I have never forced anyone to read my blog, nor have I ever coerced anyone into believing what I do, or even liking the things I like. I just put part of me out there and let you do with my thoughts/insights/stories whatever you like.
I guess I write all that as a sort of disclaimer- although I don't really get why anyone would have to add a disclaimer to their blog. A blog is just that. For me, I just feel like we have so much to learn from each other and I appreciate the wonderful friendships I have made as a result of keeping a blog and connecting through others' blogs. I don't ever feel it is my place to tell someone what to write or what not to write on their blog. I never feel pressure to agree with someone else's opinions or buy the items linked in their posts, nor do I feel it is my place to judge how they share their ideas.
It's a shame when there is a disrespect for people in this world for ANY reason...but to me it is even more shameful when people disrespect others anonymously or in a negative manner that serves only to bring others down.
But that's the way our society seems to be going- whether in the political arena, in the entertainment world, or even between genders, religious beliefs, social classes or different age groups. Today I fully meant for this blogpost to be a really short, "This is what made me happy today", but instead I've somehow turned it into a mini sermon. I want to challenge you to do your part to make this world a better place today and everyday- to stand up for injustice, to put a stop to gossip, to encourage rather than tear down, or even to step out of your comfort zone and seek- if even for a few hours- to see the world through someone else's eyes. Maybe that means you will volunteer at a food pantry, or get involved with a summer youth program. I don't know what would stretch you the most, but I have to admit I feel like we get comfortable and need to be pushed to 'be better' than we are at times.
And now,
for the lighthearted post I intended...
Here's a list of some of the simple things that made me happy today-
~Getting my grocery shopping done by 9:30 am...
~Enjoying a Starbuck's latte AND a having my hair cut on the same day...
~Feeling baby movements during the entire hair appointment and part of the drive home...
~Eating fresh strawberries with my kids and watching the juice drip down their chins...
~Hearing Bella tell me "I have 1000 kisses for you" ...{she used up 5 right then} =)
~Watching Wyndham walk down the grassy hillside of our home that just last summer made her so afraid...and realizing it was not too many years ago that she couldn't walk at all
~Having Brock apologize for coming home 'late' from playing with the neighbor kids, but promising me "it will never happen again, and I love you so much!" (even if it was so he could still get icecream for bedtime snack...
~Skipping doing the laundry and not feeling guilty about it...
~A kiss, a nose-rub AND a hug from Ava before she got tucked into bed...
~Listening to music which reminds me that even if I had 'nothing' in this world, because of Christ in my life and what He has done for me, I have everything and then some- I have blessings where I deserve nothing.
That's God's mercy and grace.
Just because.