The problem was she had so many things go wrong at once, and her recovery has been very slow. In addition, because of her symptoms, it wasn't clear as to what was actually at the root of her health issues. So, we have been waiting and trying different things and taking a variety of medical advice- all the while seeing her only make small gains.
She is still very weak and only eats when we 'make her'...we feed her every bite- but at least she is keeping food down and is eating a bit more each day. Thanks to many of you who continue to keep her in your prayers. We are still observing her for side effects of her medication and just really hoping that she will start to feel more like her old self soon.
Thanks so much for all the congrats and excitement in regards to the pregnancy news we shared. It is beginning to 'sink in' just a bit more, and we are all feeling comfortable that a new baby will be a wonderful addition to our family. Whoever commented about 'an itty bitty Nitty Gritty' made me smile. I think there will be some fun stories and pictures to tell as a result of another baby. As for details...I am feeling okay. I have been tired- but that is due to my life in general. I delivered Teagan on her due date, and the other 4 kids were all born early. So, although our due date is around Oct. 1st, I think we can anticipate an earlier arrival.
I also have to say that I feel like I am 'starting over' in some respects. I've had more time between this pregnancy and my last baby...and it is funny that even after 5 babies, I seem to have forgotten some of what goes on. Don't ask me how that happens- it's just something that the mind does. I think it's the only way that women have more than one kid. =) And in case it comes up should I ever try to run for presidency...I believe that life begins at conception. The very fact that I am having to wake up and use the bathroom each night at this early on, is proof enough to me that the developing 'cells' are fully human already. When something so tiny has that much control, that is enough arugument to me that at life begins at conception. {I have other arguments as well...I just thought I'd share that humorous thought.} =) And don't worry...I have no plans to run for presidency anytime soon. I'm just not ready for major debates and campaigns in my life- outside of my home. =)