I have been struck several times while going about my daily tasks the past few days of just how much grace I experience because of Wyndham and the extra-special needs she has. It has been in the forefront of my mind much more than usual, as she her surgery date came and went- I have actually "felt" the grace we're experiencing right now as her surgery was rescheduled. I don't often share the ugly realities of living with her ongoing needs, but trust me, they are there and we have learned {I think we have anyway!} to take them in stride most of the time and to just accept that Wyndham's challenges are just a part of our normal routine.
What you don't see are the difficulties that result of a traumatic brain injury- even years later. Things like having to diaper and change a 70 pound, 9-year old girl. It's not very pretty and many times a week we wash and remake all her bedding too. I can't really tell you how hard it is to bathe someone of her size and needs too. She requires extra help getting in and out of a tub and depends on us to take care of all her personal grooming. Wyndham continues to work hard several times a week in physical rehab in learning and developing the skills necessary to walk up and down steps and to climb up into her seat in our minivan.
As I've helped assist her in many of these situations the past few days it has occurred to me that I am living with "extra" grace right now. All of her daily challenges are only going to be magnified and even several more will be created after she has her {double-foot realignment} surgery later this fall. She will be in casts over both knees and I can't even begin think of all the added demands that will make for all of us. I don't really like to actually think about it at all, because it is overwhelming and scary.
But that's not where my heart is right now. I just can't help but be even more aware and grateful of how blessed we are to soak up the things she IS able to do and I am seeing how even her challenges are "easy" for us compared to how things could be. I have a greater sense right now of what a gift she is and how we are so fortunate for the strength and health she does have- and I am grateful even more for all the things God has brought her through. I know that she faces a lifetime of 'stuff' that many will never know, and to be completely honest with you many times I get frustrated and angry that she/we have to deal with them at all. She's never done anything to deserve the added difficulties and pain she carries with her everyday. But I also know she/we are given more Grace than we deserve to work through the challenges and to even 'accept' them as normal and part of our routine.
I sometimes 'forget' that I am a mom of a little girl labled handicapped in her files. It is because of grace that that is true in my life. I just want to publicly thank God for His grace in our lives and to praise Him for the gift of Wyndham and even thank Him for her handicaps today. For it is because of them that I can see more of His grace- and nothing compares to experiencing everyday Grace.