I've heard it said that if we all were to toss our troubles into one big pile, that we would quickly scramble to grab back hold of our own. I don't know if I would agree with that statement in my own life, but it does make one stop and think about what we do have to be thankful for. I've found that gratitude- for even the smallest blessings in life- is one of the surest ways to experience contentment and keep complaints to a minimum. I also firmly believe that without a true relationship and belief in God and His ways that some things in this life can be truly overwhelming. I'm so glad that in the good times and bad times I can trust that God is in control. There's something so amazing and reassuring to have such a Peace. Especially when things don't "go our way".
I'd like to share this quote by A.W.Pink with you in regards to God's faithfulness- which is what I lean on no matter what circumstances come my way. It reads:
"Far above all finite comprehension is the unchanging faithfulness of God. Everything about God is great, vast, incomparable. He never forgets, never fails, never falters, never forfeits His word". I don't know about you, but I find that trusting in an unchanging, loving God is something that gives a deep and satisfying calm in an otherwise uncertain world. I hope you are trusting in Him too!
These pictures depict life at it's finest.
The special moments.
The beautiful moments.
The precious moments.
very sweet pictures.
I love your words. They are so true. Very well put.
However, there's something about a tiny little boy beside a giant orange pumpkin. Ahhh. What a great memory you captured. Especially considering that next year he'll be able to roll the giant pumpkin, and the next he'll try to pick it up, and the next he'll succeed.
Wonderful post this fall day.
beautiful post...beautiful pictures!
I m in south eastern Michigan and its been to wet and chilly here as well. To early to fast for my liking.
Love the photos..So sweet and special all of them. My how fast the change to and grow!
I love your quote to..how true it is.
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