Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering 9/11

I took these pictures as I waited to catch the train out of Chicago's Union Station back in July. It was a beautiful sunny day and hot and sticky inside the hall. I didn't even mind the heat and humidty though and really just sat on a bench reflecting on freedom and what that means and how often I take it for granted. Today, especially, I remember. My heart is in prayer for those who continue to ache from the grief of that day, for those whose loved ones are away and serving our country to protect our freedom and seeking Peace, and for those whose memories we cherish and remember in a special way today.


Anonymous said...

Jody: The pic of you in kindergarten is like looking at a twin of Teagan.....God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget! We are blessed to live in a country that stands for freedom and the rights of others. I can't comprehend the sacrifices our troops and families make, but I am so thankful they do!