Friday, August 17, 2007

Totally fun...

My kids and I are watching this right now. We were listening and dancing to the music of the first one off and on this afternoon. I don't know what age you're supposed to be to see this...but we're all laughing and having fun no matter.
That Disney. They know how to bring families together. One way or another. =)


clg0513 said...

you aren't the only one - me and DD6 are watching it as well...

Steph said...

We were watching too (me and my six-year-old dd). I have seen the first one so many times that I know the entire dance to "We're All in This Together" at the end. To my extreme surprise (and humiliation!) my dh filmed me and my dd doing the dance while watching one night. I just hope the tape never finds its way to you-tube!

Erin said...

They allege it's for an older age-set than your kids but I know of SO many younger kids that are into it. Music and kids are natural. My youngest son was SO excited about when it was coming on... oh my. We've got the soundtracks and the CD/DVD of the concert even for those car rides! Glad you enjoyed it. Watch it again tonight

Iguana Banana said...

I must say that we watched, too... rather reluctantly. We don't have cable tv, but my parents do... at the cabin, none the less. We have seen the original many times. We have the DVD. We have the sound track. We even saw the stage version at the CTC, so I was a little over the whole thing. But I've got to hand it to Disney... they've got a good message that both our 8 and 5 year old daughters picked up on the very first time. I guess a good lesson is a good lesson - even if it comes with sugar coating. (And who doesn't like a little sugar coating now and again.) As it turned out, we must now buy this sound track because we've been singing the songs for the last couple of days. You're right. It really brought our family together.

Anonymous said...

Our family watched it and loved it. My son was an extra in it so had fun looking for him. It was great. Can't wait for the DVD. Love your blog.