Friday, November 03, 2006

Goodness is all around us.

After attending a black tie optional awards dinner last evening, I woke up this morning feeling grateful and appreciative for people who are generous and giving and sympathetic to others less fortuante than themselves- for no other reason other than they have big hearts.
I am sometimes pessimistic when it comes to people and goodness. I tend to think people do good things in order that good things will come back to them. Or that they can make a statement about themselves to others. Or for reasons that aren't necessarily pure and in the best interest of others. It's true- many times we see other people doing things to get ahead in this world, or to make themselves look good. It happens in all walks of life- in all sorts of {political} arenas, venues and institutions.
Sometimes the intentions even start out as meaningful and good, but then take on a different tone once the momentum picks up.
This morning, when I woke, I was happy and grateful that I had been at the dinner/event downtown Grand Rapids, the night before, in which I saw good people doing good things for others- out of the desire to help others, and out of the abundance of compassion and fortunate ways they had been blessed in their own lives. These people came from different backgrounds, political parties, educational backgrounds, and even different parts of the country. Yet, together, they had made great things happen and supported a vision that gives individuals hope and a bright future.
It was a much-needed reminder to me, to not only be hasty to judge others and their intentions, but to take a close look at myself and realize that there are a lot of good deeds going on around us all the time. We just don't see or hear it in the news or direct enough attention to these ongoing efforts as much as we could or should sometimes. To do so would probably encourage people and grow a sense of pride in their local communities, corporations and individuals.
I hope that I always look for ways to be more charitable, more giving, and more grateful to people for pouring themselves out into programs and services that promote goodness and hope. I am thankful today, more than I realized or was even aware of it for charity and how it makes us all better people. Whether it is recognized or not.
And I couldn't be more pleased with Hope Network and all they have meant in Wydham's life, my life and that of all my family members. Thank you, to all of the people who have given so much to this outstanding organization and vision. My life has been touched by the goodness and charity of others- forever.


Nancy said...

Thank you Jody for making me aware of the Hope Foundation. Reading the informaiton from the web page enlightened me. I think charitable organizations like this make a big difference in our society today and I admire your work and dedication to this cause. It is so important for us to "give back" and to show that we have been good stewards of the material things that God has given us. What a blessing this charity has been for so many... and may God bless all of those who worked so hard to make the Hope Foundation a success!

Anonymous said...

we do good works because it's between HE and us, and we know what HE expects of us, and what we are capable of.
it's the right thing to do.