Friday, August 25, 2006

Read any good bumper stickers lately?

How good is that? I can go from talking indepth about faith to chatting about bumper stickers with nothing in between. Anyone that knows me well would tell you that I am just like this in real life too. I can change topics at the drop of a hat. Maybe it's from growing up as the middle child. I don't know. That whole birth order explanation for how people turn out in life is being used for lots of things these days. I told you I can change topics quickly. You maybe didn't even notice I had done it- I'm that good at it. =)
Today, on my way to dropping off Wyndham at 'syrupy' {therapy}, I was stopped behind a truck with a bumper sticker that read, "The more people I meet, the more I love my dog". I know I've seen it before, but this time I actually started to think it through and I wondered to myself, where is this guy hanging out...where is he meeting new people? I hope it's just a joke in the end, otherwise I think it's really sad. That either he has no control over who he is meeting; maybe because of a job he can't leave, or maybe he has some new, nasty neighbors. I don't know, but sometimes I think people use bumper stickers to express truths in their lives.
So, here's my little gig for you today. If you were to stick a bumper sticker on your vehicle, what would it say...or if you already have one, what does it say? I think this could be interesting.
Maybe I could even scrap a page about funny bumper sticker sayings. Alright now, go. As an extra bonus, tell me the color and make of your vehicle. I think that tells a lot about a person too! Like Heidi Swapp...she's selling her little 'bug convertible'. That car is just so her. {cute!}


Carrie said...

There are too many to name right now....although I did adore the one I saw yesterday (as I'm on a dog kick and nearly bought a cocker puppy today) "My border collie is smarter than your honor student." On a side note, not that I'm advocating the illegal use of the copyrighted and heavily litigated Starbucks logo (just be careful where you use your purse), but have you seen the new bags for the Pike Place Blend (it might not be out yet but one of my perks is we get stuff first!)? It is very classic Starbucks and I thought of you & your purse when I got it.

Carrie said...

I forgot to add, that if you don't see it, let me know and I'll send you some.

Valerie said...

i do love many...but one of my new favorites is "I spent all my money on eating out & scrapbooking supplies...the rest i just wasted."


Cris said...

My mom used to have one on her car that read...

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."

There was also one I saw on someone else's car that I thought was really cute. The car was kind of a beat-up junker and the bumper sticker on it said...

"Don't let this car fool you, my real treasure is in heaven"

Anonymous said...

"celebrate LIFE
tell your story"

ali edwards has some stuff at cafe press that has this phrase on it and i love it


Anonymous said...

HI Jody!

Okay, I think mine would read:

"Where am I & How Did End Up Driving a Mini-Van?"

Ha! All kidding aside, I'm embracing the "Mom-tana" and having fun with it.

I received the new Paper Source catalog today and guess what was on the cover - vintage print paper...I thought of your post with the cute apron...anyways, here's a link to the paper...

Not exactly sure how to link in a post but I think you can at least copy and paste it in your browser.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

There is one bumper sticker that I have seen before and wondered why on earth anyone would want it on their car...."My other car is a broom". Interesting huh!? I guess that would keep anyone from tailgating. You could get a hex put on ya! Another one I got a chuckle from was " I used to have a handle on life, but it broke". I guess it's one that makes you laugh until you think about it and wonder if they have "fixed" their broken life? Myself, I have no bumper stickers on my car. I guess I just haven't found one that is fitting enough for me yet!
God bless you and yours~
Tammy in Michigan

Anonymous said...

I saw one the other day that said Save the Baby Humans. I thought it was really cool. As for the vehicle, I drive a white Honda Pilot.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jody,

"Only mothers of teenagers truly comprehend why other species eat their young".....and no i havent pot roasted my kids altho i occasionally contemplate it!!!


Christal said...

Being a military wife, I have a Yellow ribbon MAGNET on my 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan that says Proud wife of a soldier!!! Used to have one that says half my heart is in Afghainstan. Since he is home I hadd HIM take it off... Sort of symbolic!

Anonymous said...

My sticker in my window (since I don't like sticking things on my car) says "Life is Good". Love that saying. Silver Hyundai Elantra - also love my car.

Anonymous said...

hi jody!
i'm getting addicted to your blog!
i left a comment the other day and i spelled teagan's name wrong- i'm sorry..
you are truly an instrument of Christ, and your words, i'm sure, are having a profound impact on those who read them. i will be looking for a book authored by you sometime in the future. i've seen you refer to it in your blog somewhere.., and i must have the recipie for spaghetti pie but i cannot find it! can you help? :0)
i drive a honda- but on my huge 1984 blue custom cruiser station wagon (great for family vaca's) i have one bumper sticker that says 'if you want peace, work for justice' attributed to pope john paul 2, and another one that says 'love your mother' and a pic of our earth, which has a triple meaning for me- to love and care for our earth, to love earthly mothers, and the love i have for Jesus' mom Mary.
bye for now!
rose- mom of 4

Anonymous said...

Today I saw a car tag that said
HWDYAL-this is in the deep south if that helps you read it correctly...(Howdy Ya'll) Gotta love our southern hospitality!! Have a great Saturday!!

somebody,somewhere said...

(He Promised)

I had to look at it for awhile, but with the He Promised, I was able to figure out that is meant:
It's not on my car, I just saw it, but think it's really thought provoking! I don't have a bumper sticker, just a Pooh Bear on my window, and 2 flip flops hanging from my rear-view mirror - of my powder blue 4-door Ford Taurus :)

Anonymous said...

It's a person. There is no choice!

Anonymous said...

A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi,
I just have two magnets on my care, both are the pink ribbon of hope in honor of Mom. Breast Cancer Awareness is huge to me and I plan on making that my life's , well I guess you could say, calling so to speak. I haven't found anything to write on them yet that won't fade or wash off but I want to put her name on there so that people can put a face to the disease. I also drive a silver Hyundai Elantra, great on gas mileage, although these days that doesn't do much anymore. By the way, are you guys going to be able to make it to the wedding?
Hope to see you soon and thanks for the words of comfort last month, I truly felt so much better knowing I had family and friends praying.

Deb said...

My daughter has a bumper sticker on her car that reads:

3nails + 1cross = 4given

Queue_t said...

mine is very faded now, but reads I have children , I can handle anything. I drive my mini-van with my personal plate the reads Queue T on it too. Got to love the fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

I just have one - it says "coexist" and each letter is a different symbol. There is a cresent and star (for Islam), a peace symbol, a combined man and woman symbol, a yin yang, a cross and I can't remember the other two! I'm going to have to go look at my car. LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't have bumper stickers on my 2000 Toyota Sienna, but got a chuckle from these when I saw them at the grocery store:

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Where are we going, and what am I doing in this handbasket?

Kari said...

I saw a great one this morning but now I can't remember all of it...I have horrible memory...I'll try and remember it. I drive a black Mazda3

Anonymous said...

one of my faves....
"visualize whirled peas"

I did a layout with that title too, of my dd in a highchair eating baby food peas!