Then, because I had the oven on and was feeling guilty about all the times I've snapped at all the kids over the past couple of weeks (mostly due to my extreme itching arms and lack of sleep as a result) I baked a yellow bundt cake and frosted it before it was even cool at dinner time last night. The kids were all excited about the cake and wanted to know what the celebration was all about. I told them there wasn't a special reason except that I appreciate that they put up with me being crabby in life right now. They acted like they didn't know what I was talking about saying, "We think you're the best mom and you've been nice a lot lately too!".
The cake was still a big hit and it made them happy and made me feel like I just might be able to pull off being a good mom even as we add another member to our family afterall. Tomorrow morning Chip and I will head to the hospital and I am hoping that the induction goes well. It's mainly due to the itching and change in baby movement the past week or so, but I am ready as ever- even if I was feeling "normal".
As long as our internet connection works at the hospital you can expect an update or post and likely some photos in the next day or two. It may be Chip jumping in on here, but he has my blessing to hijack my blog if I'm too tired {or crabby} to post. =)
Thanks for all your excitement and thoughts and prayers for our family as we prepare to be blessed with yet another baby- a gift we know that comes with great responsibilty, but also one that will allow us to grow our love that much more too. We never dreamed it would be "time" for us again... but God knew otherwise and we are trusting Him to give us more than we need to step up to the occasion. I guess we have another reason to eat cake afterall... another "birth day"!
YAY!!! Can't wait to see the sweet babe!!!!!! :)
Prayers are being prayed for you and yours.
Can't wait to see your baby boy AND learn the name you've all chosen!! God speed and God bless!!
Best wishes for a safe, painless and quick delivery, Jody. I am looking forward to meeting the newest member of the Ferlaak clan!
Congratulations! I'll be praying for you and a smooth delivery. Also for relief from your itching and a good transition at home.
Praying for you and the arrival of the next member of your family! Can't wait to hear the news!
yay!!! can't wait to hear the good news! praying for you!!!
Praying for your baby's safe arrival and a wonderful birthing experience for you all. Can't wait to see photos!
Have a wonderful birthday celebration for your new little baby boy bundle ~ makes me think of these three words ~ baby, buggie, bumpers! Now say that really fast 5 times! Enjoy! We give you permission to wait a little while to report the news. Enquiring minds want to know ASAP.
Happy baby day - Will be praying for a safe delivery for you and can't wait to meet the new little one :)
Praying for you all and the new life about to meet you...Blessings
I pray that all is going great. Looking forward to meeting the new little one!
I can't believe how fast Crew has grown here on your site right before our eyes! He's going to be an adorable big brother...like his sisters and brother are to him. Wishing you the best and can't wait to meet your newest family member.
Rhonda :)
Looking forward to meeting the newest Ferlaak!!
How exciting... Any and all kids will always be your babies!
Congrats!! he is beautiful!!! he looks like big bro Crew! he was also born on my oldest daughter Mary's birthday! a good day indeed. enjoy your wonderful family!
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