I let them soak the floor more than I normally tolerate. Not just to catch a few snapshots, but because I haven't seen Wyndham so 'herslef' and grinning that big in a long time. It was well worth the wet tiles in the bathroom just to see the spark back in her that has been missing for most of the past month. I think this means she is making forward progress.
I am more than happy to sop up water as needed, if this is what it takes to get her laughing again. I think Ava is more than thrilled to help bend the rules to make Wyndham happy too. It just feels good to see the smiles and hear the laughter. I guess it's the little stuff that we miss most when it's gone. And it's the little stuff that makes the days so bright when we take notice of them too. Here's to treasuring the little, meaningful stuff in life today.
What sweet pictures. You are so right...it's the little moments that make us look back and smile. Thanks for this little reminder today :)
Jody, while you don't know me, I just wanted to thank you for sharing this sentiment today, and especilly the photos. Seeing the girls' beautiful smiles -- especially dear Wyndham, brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad she's doing well and that you had that moment today of joy.
I loved to take bathtub photos....can't do it anymore :):)
Love those smiles!
Jody, I want you to know how I echo your feelings exactly. Having lost a child and had my family broken up, I realize the imperfection of life. I also want you to know that I copied a portion of your blog on my blog today. www.magnoliawhispers.blogpost.com
How precious! I am enjoying reading your blog. Your children are beautiful. Thanks for the smiles! God bless.
This is wonderful, Jody. The little moments mean so much!
I love to hear you enjoying little moments. You know they are so important. I sometimes feel it is my mission to help other parents understand to enjoy the little stuff. My son had leukemia when he was 4. He is a survivor and almost 10 now! But that really made me leave the clothes that needed folding and go fishing, or ride the 4 wheeler, or play Connect 4 countless times, or watch a movie or whatever he wanted to do. I am glad I did... and I still do. They grow up too fast.
so happy to see wyndham having fun! and what a sweetie ava is :)
I visited your blog for the first time today. Thank you for the reminder that contrary to what we sometimes allow ourselves to believe, the Lord is in control of our lives (not us!) and that our children truly are a gift from God and as such, should never be taken for granted. BTW, my two cents on the name quest - I have always loved the name Julia for a girl.
I have pictures of my 3 siblings and me in the tub in 1958. Ah, those were the days. Floaty toys, pruny fingers, and "Mr. Soaky" (that was bubble bath that came in a plastic cartoon character bottle).
I found your blog thru my friend, Adrienne. I have 2 bio kids and 2 chinese kiddos. I absolutely love bathtime with kids and I love it that you let them play there. Here's another popular bath party at my house. Make 2 huge bowls of jello. Yep...you guessed it! Dump it in (no water of course) and let them play....Just make sure they don't stand up because it's slippery. I can hear the laughing as I write! It really is fun and super easy to clean up. Just start the water running and let them watch it dissolve. And your kids will smell really good for days! Crazy? maybe, but our 2 older ones (ages 28 and 22) still remember it to this day and think it was the coolest thing to do!
I haven't been to your blog in awhile, but tonight I stopped by to see how you're living...how you're moving on, surviving, living with peace and joy and hope. I read your missing Teagan category...Tomorrow is my daughter's 5th birthday, what would've been her 5th b-day. She's been gone almost 3 years. I like how you always talk about Teagan, but not in a downer kind of way! Thanks for the encouragement.
blessings, Guinever
Hello I just wanted to say I love reading your blog. I have 4 boys 3 of which have disabilities and know that life doesn't always go as we planned.
You are an inspiration.
Thank you
Love and daisies
I too am coming out of lurkdom to say that I have been following your blog for quite some time now and it is so nice to see that Wyndham had a good day. Thanks for always reminding me to treasure the little things that my babies do and to give them an extra kiss or 3 each night.
wyndham looks great - glad to see her doing fun things and that SMILE is AWESOME!
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