So I was wishing I could take a 'vacation from my problems' when the next thought that came to me was "Wait...I know personally the One who has overcome the world. He knows what I need and promises to give comfort and rest when I cast my cares on Him". What a relief it is to me at times of stress and trial to know that God IS in control and that even though I don't understand the why's and how come's, I sinply have to trust and I have the promise of Christ that He has everything under control.
It made me stop and just rest in the thought- that no matter where I am or how out-of-control life can get or how tired and weary I may be, that I am never out of God's love. It reaches deeper than the deepest sea, it's wider than the sky, and higher than the heavens. That sort of love- that has no beginning or no ending is hard to even imagine. But I give thanks and praise to God for His unending love for me, for you, for anyone who opens their heart to Him. He gives it freely and fully.
Today, on Valentine's Day, my wish is for anyone who needs unconditional love in this crazy world, will find the True and Everlasting kind of love from God. God's love is something that I cannot fully explain...yet it is the most real and driving force in my life. I would be nothing without God's love, and because of the love He has given me, I seek to share it with others. I wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day. I hope you know that nothing matters in this life more than the fact that God loves you...and He offers to fill you with His love and peace. All you have to do is ask.
Well this is just beautiful Jody. That is a beautiful gift to wish upon everyone. I totally agree!!!
Happy Valentine's Day.
Susan Simpson
thanks for the encouragement. I've been going through a rough patch lately, so it's good to be reminded of the truth...
I want you to know I pray for peace in your heart and the hearts of each in your family. Our son was in the hospital with 6 surgeries last year, and every time, I wanted to ask "why". But now, I am able to see how God is being glorified because of that year. It was hard, and some days I wanted to scream, cry, hide, whatever. But God IS good, and He is constant, even when our emotions are not. You are bathed in prayer, my sister!
Love and hugs to ya,
Great post! You have amazing faith. I will continue to pray God's blessing for your family.
amen jody!
i have been doing an amazing beth moore study, and my heart has been flooded with a range of emotions. but the one that i love the most is peace. God's peace flowing into my heart!
Thanks for the reminder! Now I need to keep reminding myself. Hope you are taking care of yourself.
amen! may HE bless you with peace today!
What a sweet reminder that we can talk to the KING of KINGS any time! He is ALWAYS there for us.
Peace to you today,
That was a beautiful post. I like to think when we have trials in this life that God is allowing us to be with His Son on the cross for a time, and that our suffering may alleviate someone elses..that helps me. God Bless..Susan
I am praying for you.
Wow that post was right on time for me! As I lay in bed with the flu worrying about all my problems I feel you were led by the Holy Spirit to share that. Thank you.
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