I had some moments yesterday where I had almost 'had it' with life. It just feels like an uphill battle that never has an end in sight- no matter how hard I squint at times. So, yesterday started out with me having to shovel snow for about 20 minutes just to get the garbage out to the end of the driveway. I've been feeling queasy til about 10:30 most mornings, so that added to the thrill of me shoveling in the cold and started out my day.
However, it was the start of winter break, so there was no school {Friday or Monday- yay!} and I was looking forward to the day off and some relaxation around the house- just hanging out with the kids. Chip and I made plans for dinner- a family outing to a Japanese steakhouse- an early celebration for Brock's birthday which is on the 18th. The kids played well all day. I kicked back and just tried to enjoy having nothing on the schedule- other than a couple of baths for the kids and laundry and the usual tidying that begs to be done each day.
Things were going really well. Until I had all four kids and myself loaded in the van to go meet Chip for dinner...and the battery was dead. I guess it's funny now- that something like a car not starting is where I finally begin to fall apart- but that's what happened.
I called Chip. I was frustrated, mad, angry, and ready for a pity-party all at once. You know the kind. Where suddenly every little thing that has gone wrong in your world in the past month gets dragged back up so that you feel 'empowered' or 'right' to be feeling sorry for yourself. That kind of pity-party. I was in the middle of it when Chip said, "I'll just come home then. It's no big deal."
Okay. That is not what I wanted to hear at that moment. I had four kids in the van ready to go eat dinner. I was not in the mood to drag them all back inside and start looking through the cupboards for something to make for dinner!
I was still feeling sorry for all of us when Chip came home and got the battery charged and had changed our dinner reservations and basically without doning a cape- had saved the day in a matter of 30 minutes. My hero! =)
I don't know if in that 30 minutes some of you decided to start praying for our family in new ways, or if the cries and frustrations of my heart were heard, or if it really was just a simple problem and I had just blown it all out of proportion. (And no...I really don't believe it was the last one.) Whatever it was, I was so glad it was over and that we ended up having a really great dinner out as a family when it was all said and done.
The pictures posted here today have all been taken in the past two days. There have been lots of smiles and love and laughter and silly faces and pretty flowers and hugs and kisses and good food too. I have to remind myself that the good does outweigh the bad. Even when the 'bad' seems to be overwhelming and frequent.
It's the beauty and love and goodness that keeps me going. I thank God that He gives it to us in abundance in our lives, and at times just when we need it most.
Wyndham woke up in the middle of the night and spent several hours coughing and not getting the rest she needs, and so I was in prayer, asking God to give her healing and to not let her take more steps back in her recovery. This morning she slept until 11:00- making up for some of the sleep she needed. I am praying and ask those of you who would like to join me, to ask God for her to be in good health so that she can still have her MRI on Tuesday morning. That's our next big concern right now. In the meantime, I am trying to thank God for even the struggles that come our way, as they force me to be totally dependant on Him. The waves do seem high at times. But each one is another reminder that I can try to swim on my own, or I can look to God to bring me through. I am thanking Him again today, not for the crashing waves...but that He is constantly seeing us through and making sure we never sink to the bottom. I sometimes wish, instead of all these 'swimming lessons', that God would just give me a big yacht. Maybe someday my ship will come. =)
Wyndham and your family are in my prayers. You truly are an amazing woman!!!
Don't you love a man who deserves a cape? Prayers to you this week! I have felt that pity party despair many times living up here. I hear you loud and clear! And I know your baby count is higher than mine...but I threw up for 14 1/2 weeks with this little guy and what really helped me (surprisingly) was keeping a banana by my bed and before sitting up in the morning I would ever so slowly munch it down (usually with some 3 year old help, you may need a few bananas!) and it helped stamp the nausea down somewhat so I could function in the morning and feed my son, shower, get dressed, etc. Don't get me wrong, I was usually staring at the toilet bowl by late afternoon but it got me through the time of the day when I couldn't afford to be down and out. I read that on a pregnancy website. Hope it helps...hope the prayers help. We keep you in our thoughts often. So great to see the smiles.
Oh Jody, when you're "ship comes in", I am praying that it's the biggest yacht you could ever have imagined! You and your sweet family are so deserving of it!
Prayers and good thoughts go out to you today and each day..you will get through this. Go ahead and have that pity party. It's OK! But also know that you are strong and God is with you, holding you up with His strong arms when you most need it.
Hugs to you {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}
Jody, please know that people that read your blog pray for you and your family too even though we have never posted or introduced ourselves. I am so thankful to God that I found your blog. You are such an inspiration to me and I can already tell and see the changes in ME, I will never be the same because of you and your precious Teagan. God Bless you and I sent up prayers that Wyndham stays well for her MRI.
Mary (MiMi to 5 GRANDS in Alabama)
Yay Brock -happy birthday from another February 18th "kid"!!!
Jody - I know you look for that "ship" but I also admire how you see the rowboats and canoes and rafts and newspaper boats in your life every day. Those are what really keep us afloat!
Thinking of you all -and especially Wyndham for the MRI.
I will be doing a whole lot of praying for your family and for Wyndham!! She will be healthy for her scan!! Sending prayers, love and hugs your way!
You aamaze me. I hope you know that. Your faith in the Lord and your devoted spirit are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your life with others...you inspire us all :)
I'm praying for you as well...... God's tender mercies!!!
Just remember that whatever "ship" you and your family are in....HE IS there, calming the storms just as he did so many years ago with His disciples. What a blessing to know that our God cares so much and wishes to calm every storm in our life. Hang in there! :)
Jody- Prayers for Wynd is a given... I am sure that I speak for all of your readers!
And as far as the waves go - I am 'hanging ten' holding your sweet heart up in prayer that you can start big wave surfing them! ((hugs)) ~Coco
Just want you to know that I'm praying for you, Jody and for a good trip (and results) for Tuesday. Don't be too hard on yourself. You're normal AND you're preggers! Not every day is a good day. Yet, you continue to look UP and to inspire! God bless you all... :)
This may sound selfish (please forgive me) but when ever I start to feel sorry for myself, I come to your blog and see all the wonderful things you are doing. You family, your scrapping, your words - all so inspiring. Your family is in my prayers and I am sending Wyndham lots of positive energy! Love to see her smile!
Will be praying, Jody! While our struggles are different, the Lord has had my husband and I in swimming lessons, too, for awhile. You're right - it's so good to know that He gets us through these times, and we can trust Him! I had a thought, though, I'm sure you'll wonder where it came from, when you mentioned wanting a yacht. If the Lord doesn't bring you your own? Why don't you call Bob and see if he's going sailing anytime soon? I'm sure he'd let you join him! "I'm sailing! I'm a sailor!!!" ;-)
Name suggestion--
I continue to keep you all in my prayers!! Much LUB goes out to you all!!!
Hoping that Tuesday goes well!!
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