It just seems so incredible to think that life begins so small- yet so detailed even at this early stage. I watched the heart beating strong and steady, I saw the little hands and feet that are beginning to form and to me it was such a picture of God and His power of creation. I don't know how people can deny that there is 'Higher Being' if even just looking at the miracle of life. Not to mention of the whole world around us and galaxies beyond. To imagine that all these systems just randomly came into being and work together so intricately and perfectly in many cases blows my mind more than accepting that God is who He claims to be and that He has His hand in all things.
I am trusting Him with the life of our unborn baby as much as I trust Him with everything else in my life. I have come to believe that God's ways are higher and are always best for us. No matter in the big things, small things, good things or bad things. It's all a part of His design...and it can be trusted to work according to His plan. My worrying is natural at times, but I am finding that God's peace is far greater and I just want to thank Him for giving me peace when I need it. Today I'm also thanking Him for modern medicine which allows us to see things we use to have to take by faith.
Oh Jody, I am so thankful for your new little life.
Our little granddaughter Emolyn Kate was born last week weighing in at 2lbs. 7 oz. and she is miraculously in perfect health... has never needed any help whatsoever in breathing! We are in awe of her and thank God for walking with us through this time and all that we face in the future. We are choosing to trust Him in ALL things. I can't imagine going through life without Him!
oh how cute! It is amazing! If you go look on my page, you'll see a few pictures taken yesterday of my baby. It's a boy! Yay! Anyway...I'm glad everything looked great for you. I'll keep you in my prayers!
Awwww, love ultrasound pictures!!! I'm glad everything looks good!! Thanks for sharing your little peanut with us!!
Jody the baby picture is just precious. I have followed your blog for awhile now since sistv introduced me to you. Your undying faith enlightens me. I love checking in to your blog to renew my faith each day. I am so glad that everything is going well with the baby. Your family continues to be in my prayers.
I could not agree more! I am 39 weeks along with our first baby, and I do not see how people who have had babies could not believe in a "higher power". It amazes me how God has been forming my baby from a tiny little amoeba looking thing, to now a healthy baby girl, ready for life outside my uterus. It's so miraculous!! I can't wait to meet her!
Aren't those US pics the most precious baby pics?!
SO amazing, Jody! Absolutely and totally amazing. TFS this with us.
Yeah!!!!!!!! How cute! I love that!!! Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful to see. I found out I was expecting about the same time you did. I have since learned that I am miscarrying...and I have to say seeing your little one made me smile. A very good sign...I as starting to heal.
I have followed your blog for quite awhile now and have been so touched by you...thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you,
Looks like a beauty to me! god is great . . .
And how could someone look at this little one and say that life doesn't begin at conception? I remember seeing Kennedy on ultrasound at just 6 weeks.....a tiny little peanut but so obviously a human baby.....so amazing. I'm glad that everything looks good and hope that you are feeling strong and well.
Isn't it amazing? There was something about my 2nd pregnancy I just had to *know* everything was okay and my doctor supported me and seeing that little being solidified everything for me. Beautiful!
This made me think about baby names again... How about Harlow?
Haven't been keeping up with your blog recently, so just wanted to send a big, happy CONGRATULATIONS on your newest little one... God's richest blessings during this wondrous, miraculous time!
The baby looks beautiful!
How beautiful. What a precious gift he has given you. I remember when Ethan was this tiny and I just can't believe that he is now one years old and investigating the world with his tiny hands and genuine curiosity. It goes by so fast. I'm very excited for you Jody. I have been thinken' about you and the new addition. Sending you my luv. :)
Congrats on the little development within! I am glad to hear your US was reassuring. :)
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