Sunday, May 13, 2007

A little scrappy fun.

So you all know that I have been selected to be part of the first ever design team for the new Scrap In Style TV website which will 'go live' at midnight on Monday. That's right. The site will be up and running and waiting for you to come on over on the 15th!
This past month I have gotten to know Jeanette Herdman, the brilliant idea-maker behind this concept, as well as her trusty bestest-friend and scrapper extraordinare herself, Kelli Darr. These two pulled together some of the most funny, creative, laid-back yet instense and passionate designers, creators, scrappers and simply just an amazing talented group of inspiring women. And somehow I got myself mixed up in all of it. It's truly an awesome place for me to find myself as I feel like I am still learning and growing so much in regards to my scrapbooking.
We all are simply excited to share our thoughts, dreams, ideas, and whatever help and encouragement we can give to others over at this cool, new site.
Since it's called "Scrap In Style" tv, everyone is referred to as 'SISters' over there...but I know we would be more than welcoming and thrilled to have guys join us as well. We'd make room for you, let me just say that. =)
All of us on the design team have blogs and are so excited to be on the verge of showing you around the site and letting you in on all of the fun we've been having. Many of us are giving away some scrap goodness in the form of RAK's on our blogs. I don't have all my goodies pulled together quite yet, but I will post a picture soon. In the meantime, if you leave me a comment telling me the one quality that you see in yourself that came straight from your mother, you will have a chace to win my goodies. I will randomly pick a winner by late, late Monday night...and I'll post the winner by Tuesday.
I would love for you to visit and 'get to know' some of the rest of the "Fashionistas" (that's what we're called on the design team at SIS tv) so I am posting their blog links here. If you leave them comments, most of them have great give-aways you could potentially win LOTS of scrap goodness! To top it off, after midnight on Monday, if you register on the SIS site and leave a post in the welcome thread, you will have a chance to win one of the collections that has yet to be seen. I will be getting one soon, and they tell me that KelliCrowe personally designed some of the elements in this one-of-a-kind scrap-product collection. It's gonna be great!
So, to recap, here are all the Fashionista's blog links:
1. Sarah Bowen
2 Courtney DeLaura
3 Claudine Hellmuth
4 Wilna Furstenberg
5 Lisa Garay
6 Bernadette Henderson
7 Gigi Kennedy
8 Adrienne Looman
9 Gretchen McElveen ame=McElveen
10 Melanie McFarlin...
11 Becky Novacek
12 Michelle Ramirez
13 Becca Sutton
14 Jo-Anne te Raa
15 Kayla Aimee Terrell
16 Andrea Wiebe
17 Ashley Wren
18 Kerry Lynn Yeary
19 Kelli Darr
20 Jeanette Herdman
Welcome to any *new* Nitty.Gritty. readers who might be stopping by from my "SISter's blogs". Don't forget to come and see what this Scrap In Style TV site is all about, and register and then be eligible to win an awesome prize...the first Collection!
I am looking forward to reading about what makes YOU most like your Mom. =) Leave me a comment...and then go check out all these links!


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becca said...

I might be late for the contest, but this looks too fun. I inherited my mother's sense of humor and love of old movies!

Chelle said...

I got my faith from her!

Anonymous said...

I definitely got my witty humor from her!!!

Anonymous said...

I got my love for shopping from my mom.


Cathy Pascual said...

congrats on the launch!!!
and unfortunately, sometimes I frown like my mine (plus I got some of her shopping addiction from her!)

but also my work ethic :)

Kelly S. said...

I have a big heart, like my mom :)

Jayna said...

Is it too late to enter! Eeek!

I'm straightforward and a little neurotic, just like my mother!

L. said...

From my mom I get my confidence. The I can walk into any room and be the center of attention confidence...

OP SuZ Q said...

Baking abilities from my mom!! Love the SIS site Jody - cool!! Hope Im not too late either!!

lalscrap said...

i have my mom's love of shopping;)

Helga Marie said...

Beyond the physical obvious (mother like daughter). Fro my mother I have inherited the ability to feel others emotions, how you ask... catch me watching anythinhg sappy on TV and here come the waterworks, reading the news paper, watching soliers mothers in a parade, reading a romantic story...I inherited my mothers tears/joy/zest for feelings.

Gretchyn said...

Yep, I know -- you've already given the RAK away. But I couldn't help but take a moment to answer this one, because my mom is so special to me. From her I received my love of reading, of helping others, a gift of caring, and of sometimes biting off more than I can chew. I know we sound alike on the phone, and have heard more often than I can say how much we look alike (although I'm not sure I see it as much as everyone else does). I admire her strength in dealing with the struggles with my brother and his illness, and she is my biggest fan. I miss having time to scrap and hang out together now that DH and I are in Michigan, but we have a good time hanging out when we can. She's pretty terrific, if I do say so myself.

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