Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer at my house today... (take 2)~

Being the camera crazy person that I am, here are some new summer pictures from just moments ago. We have a pool blown up but there is no water in it yet. I figure the kids are having so much fun, why should I make more work for myself at this point? I'm sure there will be water in it by this early afternoon. I'm a simple mom, but I try not to deprive my kids. =)


nicole said...

Hi Jody. You seem to be a simple mom, just like me! I sent you an e-mail the other day, to your hotmail address. I hope you got it.

You have got me back on the blog kick as well. I used to have one, but of course I got sidetracked and deleted it. You have inspired me to start a new one all over again. I hope you'll come and visit and let me know what you think! You can e-mail me at

Anonymous said...

Love today's pics. Just what summer should be, Family Fun. 'Gotta tell you, I lurk on your blog everyday. It's a highlight for me, and you are an inspiration. You often have just the right words for whatever I've been searching for. You've even got me contemplating a blog of my own.
Have fun in the pool!

Cris said...

Love the pics! Especially with the one of your daughter upside down in the pool. :)