Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy HolyDay.

Christmas is to me a day to remember that God became flesh as He had promised to do- so that He could bring salvation to ALL people of this world. He is our Light in darkness. It's amazing for me to realize that God wanted to redeem me from sin and hell. He must think we are all something really amazing and special to go to all the trouble to come to earth, be like one of us, and then die for us- to save us for all eternity. It's beyond my human thoughts to understand how or why He would do this.
But Christmastime reminds me that He did. The angels told His coming and sang to announce His birth. The shepherd saw the angels, heard the message of Jesus' birth and ran to see for themselves that the story was true. Their lives were forever changed that day. The same was for the wise men. They worshipped a King- born in a stable. And countless others have been changed throughout history because of this tiny babe born in Bethlehem so many years ago.
I am happy to say that I too am a changed person because of the birth, life, death and resurrection of this baby named, Immanuel- "God with us". I still forget from time to time, and sin and live in a way that's not pleasing to this King. But He forgives me and loves me the way I am. It makes me want to live a life worthy of His greatness. And that, my friends is what Christmas means to me. Hope you and yours have very Merry Christmas.

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