We (Chip and I) have known this day was coming for a long while now, but that doesn't make it any easier. I know that many of you will be praying for her, for her doctors, and for all our family as we help care for Wyndham during her recovery. It will be a long process and I just wanted to share what is involved.
Wyndham will be undergoing double-foot realignment surgery which will hopefully resolve the issue of her feet turning more and more outward. Left untreated, she faces problems with bone formation as well as ongoing and long-term chronic pain in her joints, back, spine and neck.
The surgery itself will take approximately 5 hours. It involves taking a bone graft from her pelvic bone and placing a wedge of that bone on the outer side of both her feet, and then the tendons in the back of each leg will be lengthened too.
We are most concerned with how Wyndham will come out of the recovery itself and then in order to be discharged from the hospital she needs to be taking oral meds for managing her pain. On both counts we have concerns because of how Wyndham has done in the past. She typically has a weak stomach and can have extreme nauseau. She also has issues with swallowing pills
and so we anticpate that she may have a longer hospital stay than the expected 2 day stay.
Once she comes home we are not totally sure what to expect as far as how challenging her needs will be. She will be in casts for a minimum of 8 weeks, and could face another 4 weeks beyond that, and then she will be fitted for orthodics. We will be her primary caregivers and know that it is going to be demanding on her and the rest of us. That is why we so appreciate your prayers in the coming days and weeks.
This all stems from her original brain injury sustained as a young infant in the Old Depot tragedy. We have watched Wyndham go through so many medical procedures and therapy/rehab for over 9 years now and sometimes we just feel tired and sad when we
think about what she has yet to face. Still, we are trusting in the God that has healed her in the past and hoping that He will give her more grace and mercy as she endures more pain and recovery.
Sometimes it just feels so unfair and it definitely tugs at our hearts to have to be at her side as she undergoes yet another struggle. But we're thankful to be her parents and family; we feel lucky that this will be her first major surgery since her shunt was placed and she's enjoyed many happy days that some doctors wondered if she'd ever have at all.
We hope that the next couple of months will be opportunity for our family to become stronger, to lean harder on the God in whom we trust, and a good reminder to never take the simple, "ordinary days" we have for granted. They are special and we look forward to having many more of them with Wyndham and all our other kids too.
I will be posting frequent updates on my Face Book wall as well as occasional blogposts here too. Fell free to stay in-the-loop with us as we go through these challenges with Wyndham.
We appreciate your love, prayers, thoughts and cares every step of the way!
Jody & Chip and family too
I'm Amee and I follow your blog. I will be praying for Wyndham, her doctors, you, Chip & for the rest of your Family.
I just can't even begin to fathom what y'all will be going through. I"m so glad we have our God to pray to.
You & your family are a HUGE encouragement to all of us. Thank you for taking time to blog. We do care.:)
Sending lots of love and prayers, Jody!
I will be contending in prayer for precious Wyndham, as well as your family. (I'll put her on our prayer request list at church too!) Know that God already knows the future, and He IS going to take care of your family and carry you through 'til the end!! Jody, You are an INCREDIBLE woman of God..full of faith and vigor! Every time I read your beautiful posts, I'm inspired. I just know that God smiles when he looks down at your lovely family! You are a shining light to this dark world. God bless, PLEASE keep us all updated!
Praying for precious Wyndham and your entire family...
Long time reader never left a comment.Please know that I will be Praying and fasting ameal one surgery day. Janet
Hi Jody, I will certainly continue praying for all of your family, and especially Wyndham, in these coming weeks as she has her surgery and recovers.
May the knowledge that so many are keeping you ALL in their hearts and prayers get you all through this hurdle and may you all come out even stronger for it.
I have read your blog for quite some time and never left a comment. I will certainly be praying for your sweet family as you go through this time with sweet Wyndham. I pray that the surgery is quick and that she adjusts to oral pain meds quickly and her recovery goes as smooth as possible. As a Pediatric ICU nurse, I wish I lived closer and come help you take care of her at home! :( Bless your family! (HUGS to you, girl!)
I will be praying for Wyndham, the doctors and the rest of your family. ((Hugs))
I love how you still appreciate your life. Your family is amazing. I hope the anticipation will be worse than the actual surgery. The nausea in a child with special needs is so difficult. Praying and loving on you all the way from Canada ;)
Thinking of you & yours. Praying for a speedy & uneventful surgery & recovery...
Thoughts and prayers from Texas for sweet Wyndham and the whole family. Covering you with love & prayers.
Praying and thinking of that sweet girl!!!!!
I will be praying for you and precious Wyndham. I'm not quite sure how I came across your blog, but I have been reading for a few years now. I pray for healing for Wyndham, as well as peace for you and Chip. Have faith that God is in control and that you have made the right decisions with His guidance. One of my favorite quotes comes to mind.... Faith is believing in advance that which only makes sense in reverse. God bless your family.
Carolyn G.
I'll be praying and thinking of you and your family, Jody.
I will continue to pray for Wyndham and the rest of your family. You are all very strong individuals and I KNOW our amazing God will get you through.
Love, Mere
Sending you love and prayers that all goes well. Praying for Wyndham and that her pain will be ok.
Thinking of all of you
Praying for your Girl and the rest of you today and in the coming months...look forward to hearing how God meets all of your needs...Blessings to each of you...
I have been a long time follower of your blog. Your words of inspiration mean the world to me! I love how you always lean on God and love the life that you have been dealt. Reading your blog makes me love and appreciate each day as a gift. I will continue to hold Wyndham and your family in my heart with lots of prayer. Diane
I'm so sorry that your little girl has to go through this and that you as parents have to go through it too. I cannot imagine what you all must be feeling right now. I'm praying right now as I type and as I read your post that the Lord will guide the surgeons hands, that your little girl will recover as quickly as possible and that you will be comforted during this ordeal. God Bless you guys today.
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