That's right. The countdown is definitely to when this baby will be born. The kids are anxious, my belly feels huge most of the time, and we still are making baby name lists- with lots of opinions weighing in on them. The process of choosing a name is always one of the most challenging parts of pregnancy for me {and Chip!}. =)
I am finding that besides choosing a name, there are other challenges too. Like the excessive, intense itching that started in my upper arms several weeks ago. It has gotten much worse and more extreme the past couple of weeks- to the point where the only relief I find is to hold ice packs on my arms to numb them. I waken at least 3 or 4 times each night having to replace the ice packs for new, colder ones. I have discussed it with a couple of doctors and they are stumped and recommend allergy medications- which have not done a thing. I am hoping that it is somehow pregnancy related and will start to go away after or very soon after delivery! I can't handle any more burning in my upper arms- it's making me go crazier than I already am! SO... wish me luck with that and if anyone has suggestions or insights to this, I'd love to hear what you know about the topic.
The other tough thing is trying to stay on top of the household chores- things like keep the fridge stocked and rooms picked up- knowing that at any time I may be gone for 2 or more days. I like to be in control of things and the unpredictability of my absence makes me a bit edgy. Just ask Chip. =)
While we never planned any of our pregnancies and consider each of our children blessings from God- that He knew were to be a part of our family and were handpicked by Him before Chip and I ever even met- it's still a bit scary to imagine how life is about to change. Babies have their own personalities, agendas and demands that are unrelenting at times. I know this because I've had six of them already. I know what to expect. And don't know what to expect all at the same time. I do know that babies mean sacrifice, and I am willing to do my part, trusting that God will give our family strength, patience and grace for the changes that lie just ahead.
I have to say that I am anxious and excited- just like the kids in many ways. But sort of wish I could freeze time right now too. We have reached the point where strangers ask questions and give comments to us when we're out and about in public... the kind of questions that make me feel like we're really an extraordinary family- in a not-so-extraordinary way. Questions like, "Are these all your children?" and "Are they all brothers and sisters?" because I guess some blended families do have lots of kids too and that helps people explain things in their minds. But to think that a couple would actually choose to have as many kids with another on the way sort of takes people aback. Most are pleasant and encouraging- saying things like, "Good for you... and your kids seem so well-behaved" {which I credit to things like Dum Dum suckers when I have to take them all to Target or out for grocery shopping}. They also add things like, "I never could have handled that many kids" or "You must never sit down during the day!" {which makes me feel like Super Woman or Crazy Woman- depending on the day.}
It's been interesting, exciting, nerve-wracking and a lot more the past 9 months. I have a feeling the next several months will hold much of the same. I am hoping to get some sleep before this baby arrives, and am asking God to give me whatever else I need to be my best to this baby and everyone in my family.
With less than 2 weeks to go, I appreciate your prayers too. I have a feeling I just might need them. =)
Hey there!
I'm not so sure how I found my way to your blog.. but I think you are fabulous, and congrats on your sweet little baby that will soon be born! Your kids are all super cute :)
Sounds like you have the same type of rash/itchy spots as I had with my last 2 pregnancies! They called mine PUPPP... I had it on my lower back & arms and it drove me insane!! I was able to find a local pharmacy that was able to make me a compound,that thankfully worked wonders!
Good luck with your upcoming delivery :D
You look very cute with your pregnant belly! :) Hoping I look that good when I am on my 7th pregnancy! :D
I can only imagine the comments at the stage you are in. We already get lots of those comments and we just have 3...but they are 3 and under.
Hope your arms stop with the itching, and that your labor goes very well...and that your frige is stocked and you feel good! :D
Hi Jody! I've been reading your blog for th last 4 yrs now and LOVE it! You and your family are so stinkin' cute!
We recently moved to a new house and I developed a rash/itch that drove me NUTS! We still don't know what caused it, but ended up taking Allegra and a steroid along with using a steroid cream that i mixed with Sarna (which you can buy over the counter at drug stores. It's a lotion but it soothes the burn/itch. That alone might be enough for you especially with the pregnancy the other things may not be suitable.
Hope that helps!
Good luck with #7! Can't wait to "meet" him!
We have four children {7-16mths} and not one of our little ones was "planned" in the human sense. But each one fits in ways we could not have ever planned even if we tried. God knows what He is doing.
Even if those around us just do not get it.
Praying that everything at home and with the new little one's arrival goes smoothly. You are blessed.
I had a very serious condition in my last pregnacy... Do you have a rash?? Or are you just itching?
Hey... thanks for the suggestions and empathy. I actually have nothing on my arms- no spots or blotches or anything. Which is maybe more frustrating, because there shouldn't be anything going on! I did find some info online this past week that talks about nerve conditions from spinal compressions. SO, it is possibly something along that lines. Anyway, I am just crossing my fingers that it will go away...soon!
The expectation of the unexpected is what makes life interesting. Good luck with your delivery and I hope you get some relief from the itching. How awful!
Hi Jody-
I have been reading your blog for a long time and love it! As a doula, my first thought was Cholestasis of pregnancy. It's where bile from th gallbladder cannot be excreted properly and sits under the skin and causes itching. With delivery it goes away. Check with your doctor about that possibility. Good luck with everything! I'll be praying for relief from the itching, rest and a stocked fridge:)
Becca...That is what I had with both my babies...Each born at 34 weeks! Thank goodness cause the risks of OCP is scary. My one little man was in the nicu for a couple of weeks due to complications...
I sure will be thinking about you, praying for you and trusting God along with you for the happy and healthy delivery of your precious baby, for the incessant itching to END & for the transition to be one that is sweet and pleasant.
Don't worry about what others say...God has truly chose you to be the mommy that you are...nothing else really matters!
Love & Blessings!
Hi there....loved your post today,,you're always so "real' and I just love the way you write....I can so relate to the feelings of being ready to have a new baby. I read you were pregnant a month before I had my 3rd and now he's 6 months...and it went by so fast. Prayers for you.....as you and your family get ready for a beautiful change!
I thought of Angie Smith's condition when you said you were itching. Sort of along the lines of what Becca commented. Check with your doctor.
You look fabulous. I know this isn't so for you, but time sure seems to have flown during this pregnancy.
You look wonderful!! Beautiful family.... One more baby coming very soon.. going be wonderful too!!
Congrats on way.. exciting for your family...
you are so adorable! pregnancy looks beautiful on you. :-)
it was great chatting with you yesterday morning. thanks for coming over to catch up!
You look fabulous!!! Hang in there girl, you’re in the home stretch!!! :)
Didn't Angie on the Bring The Rain blog have that itching thing with her latest pregnacy?? Contact her for insight! Hope that helps!!!!
Like many others, I remember onAngie Smith's blog about late pregnancy itching as well! I think she googled it and found it was something called ICP??? Sounds like the same thing others pointed out and it'd be a good thing to rule out.... Best wishes to you in these final weeks. Can't wait to find out "The Name"! :-)
Hi! I love your blog! Just reading it this evening regarding your 'itchy' problem reminded me of an item on the Bring the Rain blog. Here is the link.
You are an amazing woman/mother! You are an inspiration to me as a mother of 3 children. I absolutely love coming to your blog to see what you have written. I have been following your blog for about 3 years. You are beautiful and you have a beautiful family!!! You and your family will remain in my prayers!! Keep writing as your are truly a blessing to me!
praying for you and your family as they get ready to welcome your newest addition to your family.
have a blessed day!
Yeah, I have to say check with your OB or GP about ICP ~ cholestatis of pregnancy ~ I had it with both my pregnancies ~ had to deliver earlier because of the risk to you & the baby!
Don't want to stress you ~ just ask your OB/GP to do a liver function test.
Everything of the best!
I had the upper arm itching in early menopause, it was hormonal and drove me crazy. I used lots of anti itch creams with not much relief. Baby birth will help! I think you are all super cute and loveable. I wish I could babysit, clean and do your laundry. I am a helpful granny.
You are an extraordinary woman.
Hey Jody! I think you are so so lucky to have that family. I stopped a family in Walmart the other day, they had 3 or 4 children walking around them and twins in a double stoller. Probably between the ages of 7 and 2. I said "Do you know how lucky you are to have that large family?" They looked surprised and said a big smiling thank you. Goodluck with the delivery.
MiMi in Alabama :-)
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