The transition from 7 to 8 has had some wonderful moments and some not-so-hot/I'd-rather-forget-these moments too. I won't claim that it's easy, because it's not. To top it off there has been a 24-hour virus going through the kids causing fever and complaints from 5 of the 6 kids so far. Teague has thankfully not gotten it {yet} and I am trying to be as cautious as I can to keep him from getting it too- but let's be realistic- germs go where they want!
I did think it was cute when Chip pointed out to a couple of the kids that if we go to a restaurant now and the hostess asks "How many tonight?" we will say "8", and technically that makes us a "party". Ferlaak... Party of 8. He said if they choose to add an automatic gratuity it will end up saving us money- because Chip {after years of food industry and waiting tables} has always been a good tipper. =) I'm not sure how long it will be before we all venture out as a "party", but I can already sense that it's going to be fun! Challenging fun!
So, Teague came home weighing in at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and he has been very mellow, a good eater, a great sleeper {so far!} and loved and adored and gushed on by everyone. Even Crew is happy to hold him and he thinks it's funny when Teague squeaks or opens his eyes. I've been most challenged by Crew in the past few days- but not because of Teague- simply because Crew was Crew even before Teague got here. =)
The itching has been back in spurts and I'm not handling that as well as I had hoped- I was hoping it would be gone! Thanks again for so many wonderful well-wishes, thoughts and prayers for our family/party. We often need them and certainly appreciate them as we go about our days and figure out how best to get along with one another. It IS a blessing to have a big family, but it sure can be a mixed blessing at times too. Hopefully we will find that being a party of 8 is something to celebrate every single day. Even the challenging ones!
oh my how precious! You are a mummy to a beautiful family! xx
Congratulations to you all, he's beautiful x
I can't remember if I have commented here before, but I have read your blog for a couple of years now and wanted to say hi! I appreciate and admire your perspective on your family and the ever-changing stages God navigates you through. (That, and your impeccable color sense... DAAANG, girl!) Congrats to your newly-expanded family!
Oh, WOW…. That family photo could not be any more beautiful!!!!!!! :)
What great photos - especially the full-on family one! Jody, you're an amazing woman. You are THE woman! :) Hope you're finding time to rest. And, if you can, to scrap, too. I would SO want to be doing that with all those beautiful photos and so many thoughts to go with them...
He's a beautiful baby! I admire you for being mum to a 'party'!
He's a beautiful baby! I admire you for being mum to a 'party'!
Congratulations! I think Teague looks like Crew =) So cute!
what a fun looking family / party. I can just hear the noise that must be made at your house. Good noise of course.
And I love the last two pictures that you posted of Teague...so precious! Welcome home - enjoy getting in to your new 'normal' routine.
Thrilled for you! Thanks for your honesty...it is refreshing :)
With Hope,
I think I want one...oh the sweetness of a fresh new baby and of a big family to love him.
Congratulations and God Bless your family! He's absolutely beautiful.
i love the family photo!!! i had to go back to look at it again, because i didn't notice that some were in pjs...i just noticed the smiles on everyone's faces!!! congrats on the new addition...he is beautiful!!!
Beautiful baby and party!
Congratulations on your beautiful family. Praying for you all during this time and that you, Chip and Teague avoid the virus. Praising God that one day you will again be reunited as a party of 9!
Hugs and Prayers
Rachel in PA
Honest and beautiful all at the same time - kinda like parenting! I love the jammies - we are only a party of 5, but we all love our jammies. Some of my most productive days I am in jammies until I change into new jammies at bed time ;)
i can't wait to meet him! :]. I'm always up for a party- especially when its a Ferlackk Party! :] See you Christmasish time!
you are such a beautiful mama! Congrats on Teague! I love love love his name!!!!!
Hope you are getting settled into your party of 7!
Jody, congratulations. It has been such a long time since I've stopped by, and I am so excited to see your new little one is here! I LOVE the name, and I pray you all are getting settled in well!!!
Wonderful new menber of a wonderful family! Love your pictures.
I'm so late on comments! Jody the family and certainly this new sweetie pie look so beautiful!! And you dont look like you just had a baby!!! :) I cant wait to meet the new one (and Crew!) someday soon!
Auntie Melissa :)
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