Thursday, May 06, 2010

Peace and quiet.

I picked up Bella from school today with just Wyndham in the car with me. Brock is away with his classmates at camp and Crew and Ava were home with Chip while Wyndham was at therapy and I had a baby check-up at the doctor.
Bella climbs into the car and after about 1 minute she said, "It sure is peaceful in here!" Then a moment later she added, "I'm talking about the peace and quiet. It's just so quiet!"
I had to agree with her.
It WAS nice and peaceful. And quiet.
But we both agreed.
It didn't "feel" quite right.
There's something wonderful about peace and quiet at times. But as we drove on I couldn't help think about how many times I missed Teagan's voice. It's something you never quite get used to. I'd take the noise over the quiet anyday. We already miss Brock in just one day. He'll be home by tomorrow though.
And we quickly got our dose of noise from Ava and Crew. We were barely inside the door when their noise started up. Crew always comes running and has something to "say".
I would take more of the peace part of the equation around here though. It seems kids my kids go from being best friends to worst enemies at the drop of a hat. Peace all the time would be a good thing. But in the meantime, the noise does have it's charming qualities.
I was happy to be reminded today of just how much I really do like the noise afterall. =)


NeverEnoughTime said...

I know exactly what you mean...on April 6th, I had a total abdominal hysterectomy and while I was in the hospital, it was so quiet..while I was home during the days, resting, it was so quiet. then, this weekend I had to have a 2nd 'emergency' surgery and they took the lone ovary the left and did a bunch of other work and now, I am back to being home, in the quiet. I remember before the first surgery, I was excited for the 'break' of taking care of all 5 kiddos, but now, I can't wait to get back to the daily grind of crazy, loud, busy life!!!! enjoy the noise...

Heather said...

It's funny how the peace and quiet makes us think more. I often go walking at night ...usually take my MP3 player with me..but then I don't spend time thinking. So the other night I removed my head phones and just soaked in the quiet. Heard the birds chirping and took some time for prayer. yes peace and quiet can be a good thing :)

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

I understand what you mean...sometimes peace and quiet is good. Sometimes it just makes the missing more evident.

Thinking of you this Mother's Day...

You are a beautiful mother...

susannik said...

happy mom's day are in my thoughts and prayers today!

sanjeet said...

I can't wait to get back to the daily grind of crazy, loud, busy life!!!! enjoy the noise...
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