As much as I try to be in the moment and savor the here and now, it still seems to fly by so quickly! Crew is 9 months already and growing and learning everyday. Is anyone else, besides ne, amazed at how fast that first year in particular whizzes by?! These are just some of the snapshots of a day in the life of Crew right now. {You can click on the top storyboard to enlarge the text if you like.} He's one of the happiest, laid-back yet intense babies I know. He has an occasional fussy moment and I took the liberty of snapping a picture of one of those too, because even when he's mad we all think he's still lovable and cute. =)His top two teeth are coming in this week and he also learned to clap- both spontaneously and on command. He can walk along the edges of furniture and he still loves that boingy doorstop in the bathroom. He continues to add fun to our days and we never tire of his smiles and sparkling eyes. We're just trying to figure out how 9 months has gone by so quickly!
Such a fun age, but they all are aren't they?
Crew is so beautiful. I think I may have posted this before that he has such a pretty shaped head. What a blessing.
No! He is not! 9 months, that is. I can't believe it. Wasn't it just the other day you gave birth! Wow.
I've GOT to remember this when my grandbaby is born next week...My camera will be loaded, the keys in the ignition and my sneakers on!
Crew is absolutely adorable, I can see why you're hopelessly in love...
Wow, haven't stopped by in a while. I cannot believe he is 9 months old :)
Ahh, staying "in the moment" is every parent's challenge.
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