Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thank you.

Thank you for your support and care for me and my family as we marked another birthday and celebrated despite Teagan being gone. I have to tell you that the days leading up to 'special days' are often harder than the actual days themselves.
There was laughter and fun in our home and out for dinner tonight. We were graced with beautiful bouquets of flowers from some thoughtful friends. Teagan was remembered and recalled with smiles and joy. She had a charm all her own that seems to still have a way of touching others.
I am always humbled to think that God sent her into our lives to live out her days- even as much as He knew it would be short. I find it amazing that in His mercy, He gave her to us and allowed her to change our hearts and lives forever. He is a good God and even in Teagan's absence and through the pain of losing her, I can and always will say that His ways can be trusted. He never fails.
I thank God for His comfort and strength to see us through these years without Teagan. I thank Him for the ways He has blessed us with so many good things as the days go on. If you don't know for sure that you are going to spend your eternity in Heaven... if you don't know God personally, I would invite you to seek Him and know the peace and assurance that I experience everyday. There is nothing like it. He gives peace that passes all understanding.
I can't even imagine what it is that Teagan experiences in Heaven each and everyday. One day I will find out though and we will make up for missed birthdays and praise God for all eternity. I hope you'll be there with us too. Thank you for your care for us until we get there.


michelle said...

i have been a faithful ferlaak reader for about 9months and was thinking of you and your family all day today.
don't really know what else to say as i can not even begin to imagine the emotions you experience. but i hugged my kids close today and we said a prayer for you.

Stephanie said...

Thank you Jody for sharing your life with your blog family.. It is so true.. for those that don't have that special relationship with god... they need to find it..

We never know when our moment will come...

Prayers have been going up and continue..

KatieButler said...

Thinking of you and your family as you remember Teagan, Jody.

Lisa & Gerald said...

Thanks to you for sharing about your family! I always try to stop bye, but now i have lots of post to read. \Its been a while for me
Hugs to you girl!

Anonymous said...

I'm jumping in here to echo the responses as well! I cannot in my life's experiences thus far even know all that you and your family has been through. But I agree with you that God can be trusted and whatever the reason He allowed that accident to happen...He has brought "good" out of it. You have touched lives, probably un-numbered because of it. I say this carefully...what a privilege to honor Our God and to praise Him despite what we have to go through!
I LOVE your heart and I LOVE your blog!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you...for sharing your life here, with u!! Blessings to you and your family---and continued healing with your grief!!

Carolyn Ward said...

"I have to tell you that the days leading up to 'special days' are often harder than the actual days themselves."

I so know what you mean. I remember the first year after my husband died figuring that out... yucky.

Thank you for sharing your heart and lives with others, and offering up a reason for your hope.

Anonymous said...

Always thinking of all of you and Teagan..especially now.

Rhonda :)