Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm the "crazy lady" to some.

Yesterday I mowed the lawn while my kids played on their bikes and did chalk drawings on the driveway. Tonight we have tornado watches and thunderstorm warnings. Funny how things in life can change so quickly sometimes.
Even more than just the weather. I am learning that I am more like my kids than I think sometimes. I'm not good with change.
I like predictable, routine, don't-try-to-tell-me-differently-I-like-things-this-way, kind of person. I will probably drive Chip nuts as we age. I don't know.
This is a random post, but my mind has just been spinning all week, and thus I haven't posted much. I haven't even taken pictures- except for a few this afternoon. Just because.
Maybe it's the leaves turning colors...the sign of winter yet to come.
I don't know. I really like the green grass and the smell of it as I cut it. And the kids playing outside in the sun. And happiness was eating pizza out of the box outside.
I've been thinking about the past and the future more than normal. Maybe that's it. I have no words of photos of my kids doing crazy recipes for hotdish or cupcakes. =) I'm in need of a good 'fill'. If you have some fun blog topics you'd like to hear me talk about, please feel free to ask me or point me in a direction in the comments here.
I forgot to mention the highlight of my day on Sunday was riding the cart with my groceries to my van. Besides church, of course. =) Seriously. This know I ride my cart for the thrill of it- just because I can and why should I waste an opportunity to make one of my least favorite tasks of grocery shopping more fun?! Right?! As I rode my cart, a 30-something guy was following a bit behind me. I had no idea he was the guy parked right next to me. He was watching me a long way. We both loaded our groceries into our vehicles, and it was such a warm, sunny day that I rode my cart all the way back to the front door. As I got back to my van, this guy was saying to the grocery cart kid {you know the kid who has that machine that drives all the carts back inside the store}, "I have never seen someone have that much fun in a grocery store parking lot before". He actually smiled at me. But inside I know he just plain thought I was crazy.
So there you go. You read that crazy lady's blog. Hope that makes your day today. =)


Shaun said...

Gosh, my second comment in a week. I love that you can have fun with yourself. I heard a fun comedy act by Ellen DeGeneris once that where she talked about randomly going up to someone, preferably a stranger, and tapping their shoulder and saying, "Tag, your it!" I thought it was so crazy. So, a few days later I was shopping in a local SLC craft store when out of the blue, I did it, I tapped someone next to me and said, "Tag, your it". At first she looked at me like I had lost my mind, then she smiled, turned to a woman walking by and tapped her shoulder and said, "Tag, your it". Well within seconds 8 grown women were playing tag in the store. It was GREAT! I need to be spontaneous more often. So, next time I go to the store, I am going to try to ride the cart.
Sorry for the long comment.
Love and God bless,

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jody. I so needed a funny story. Put a big'ol smile on my face. You know, I thought I was the only crazy lady in the world that did that? Heck, I make up my own lyrics to songs, sing while I'm cooken', and all the while, Eric makes fun of me and laughs. I think it's the best way to live in life...heck, who said we had to grow up anyway?! Gotta have a little fun once in a while. Next time you're at the store, you'll have to race Kip to the door to see who runs the fastest. Eric and I do that all the time and I'm certain people think we're nuts. I love being 30.

Ralna Nordstrom said...

I just knew you were crazy! I've had that feeling for a while now. I definetly could use that kind of crazy in my life as opposed to the crazy I've been living lately. Life's too short to no to let loose and have silly fun.

Marcie said...

I ride the carts, too! And I'm in my thirties...hmmm...interesting.

You've inspired me to start a blog. I've been following yours for some time now. I was skeptical about blogs, still am sort of. They seem to fit Seinfeld's description of e-mail which is, "I have something to say to you but I don't want to hear what you have to say." Even so, I've been inspired, moved, motivated and all around interested in what bloggers (you, Adrienne, Carrie, etc.) have to say. Now I am a blogger feeling like the kid that just started school mid-year. Awkward but hopeful. So, thanks for pouring your heart out and making it look easy. I'm about to find out.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading about you and the shopping cart. It made me smile.

For some reason I feel compelled to share a prayer with you so here it is:

"Gracious God, at times my days run together into weeks, into months, into years without any conscious thought on my part. Then, suddenly I come to myself in the space of a moment and realize how unaware and without purpose I have been. Yet, when I try to define my purpose, it seems strangely elusive. What did you have in mind when you breathed the breath of life into me? I ask that you will give me clarity of purpose; that you will reveal to me my own reason for existence; that you will give me the sure and certain assurance that even when I have lost track of myself and my life, your purpose, though unknown to me or forgotten by me, is still being lived out through me. I ask this for the sake of your love. Amen."

Rosheeda said...

'Come unto Me as little Children' and I think this means in all things - even in the most mundane not-so-fun things of life. Seems that kids are always able to find fun in what is otherwise boring and little on the 'blah' side...

I came across your blog yesterday and started reading. Your spirit screams out from Blogland and it is warm, welcoming, open, honest, inviting, comforting... just all around special.Thanks for sharing...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


I am a long time blogger reader, but rarely comment. I always find strength, wisdom and courage in your words. Thanks for sharing your heart, faith and hope with so many. Today as I read, Teegan was laid on my heart. I feel it was the autumn leaves and a connection with how I could only imagine her enjoying the beauty of the colors. I can picture the two of you enjoying one of many of God's wonders.

Thinking of you today!

Debbie said...

I have been reading your blog for some time. I couldn't help but laugh out loud today. I ride the shopping carts too. One day, I tipped over after hitting a pothole. People actually laughed at me. On another note, I know what you mean about winter starting. I am always sad at the start of winter and I think it is because of the coming holidays. I always wonder what they would be like with my daughter here. I hope there are many days of sunshine in your winter this year.

Marva said...

I, too have been thinking a lot about the past and the future lately. I think part of it is because I lost my dad earlier in the summer and I have so many regrets about not having spent more time with him, etc. I have been revisiting lots of memories and wishing things had been different (my parents were divorced). I'm not very motivated these days and I'm frequently blue, and having trouble finding my happy place. I'm counting on these feelings to go away soon. In the meantime, I laugh at your blog and have even started my own, although nothing as creative as yours. Wishing you (and me) brighter days filled with joy and contentment.

Stacy said...

Jody~ I gree...crt riding is oh-so-fun! I think we get so caught up what is 'normal' that we forget to stop & enjoy the little things! Enjoy being crazy...its a whole lot more exciting :)

Noel said...

How cute!! It's like the old saying goes..."stop and smell the roses", or in your case "drive your cart around the grocery store". how adorable is that??

Shawnna Samples said...

Jody thanks for making me smile

I can totally see u RIDING a CART in the parking lot at the local grocery store

with a cute t that reads something funny like
coming to a town near you :D :D

I totally needed to crack a smile

Anonymous said...

hi jody,

i am a faithful lurking on your blog. and love love love your creativity, your joy, your love of kids! sooo marvelous to see! and your butter cream frosting..that is funny!

i was out at our local grocery store this weekend, had to have a huge huge laugh. a young couple no kids, came out in front of me, the woman was nattering and a negative tone to the man..he hopped on the cart and rode it to the far end of the lot, laughing like crazy as he flew thru the lot and all the way to back end! the lot was totally full and cars actually stopped to see where this crazy "kid" was heading...tooo funny!

the woman with him did not share his delight or his sense of humour. if anything it made it more crazy when she dragged her sorry butt to the car and continued the rant! poor girl. life is passing her by!

thanks for all your words and your honesty!

and the giggle at the grocery store!

london, ontario

Lisa said...

The term "crazy" is relative, don't you think?
Loved your post!
As far as ideas for topics:
1. what songs do you play over and over on your iPod/MP3player/CD player/radio?

2. I'd also love to hear your take on the following quote from a Linda Dillow study I am doing:
"Two women looked through bars. One saw mud and the other saw stars."

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I read the 'Crazy Lady's Blog' because I must be one. I have been riding the grocery cart for 20 years. My daughter is 25 and can't believe I still do it. My littlest is 14 and just dies every time I do it, BUT I caught her doing it a week or so ago!!! Thanks for your blog, the fun you bring and your gentle reminders of how my boring everyday life is an amazing gift of God.