Monday, February 05, 2007

Perpetually cold.

Here I am; snowed-in again in Michigan. Today is another 'snow day' due mostly because of the sub-zero windchill factors.
You have no idea how much I dislike the cold. It's why I had a hat on in the middle of the day when I ran a cupcake outside to the garbage man. (Someone had asked about that in the you know why it was an even 'bigger deal' that I brought a cupcake out to the trashman in the snow and cold on Friday!) I am always cold. Even when we lived in Florida...ask Chip...I would have a big, heavy comforter on my bed at night. I blame it on my mom. =) She's the same way.
You also have no idea how many times I have thanked God for creating me to be born in this century- where we have running hot water, electric blankets if needed, car heaters and homes with furnaces. I don't think I would have survived life as a pioneer woman. I would have never 'gone west'. Or if I had been talked into by Chip, and loaded up my family and belongings in a covered wagon and then gotten caught in a winter storm along the way...I have a strong feeling Chip would have 'accidentally forgotten me' at some point in the trip, or he would have slipped something into my coffee one morning and I simply would have never awakened the next. Yep. My complaining about the cold and our dire situation and the lack of decent living conditions would likely have pushed him over the edge and to be honest with you, I probably wouldn't have blamed him for my death.
Anyway, it's just a thought that I have over and over, and so on really cold days, such as today, I thank God from the bottom of my heart that He didn't make me live in earlier times. I heard a quote about contentment yesterday (I've blogged a few times about contentment and the fact that I think too many Americans in particular are living without it, despite every blessing we have in life), and since I can't remember it exactly, I will paraphase it for myself- just to serve as a good reminder.
Contentment is living without regret for what is past, accepting the reality of what is today, and living without fear of what the future may hold.
I think I could turn that into my mission statement for daily living. It's perfect for me and how I strive to live, day in and day out. I would like to think that IF God had placed me in the 16oo's or 17th or 1800's that I would have had this same heart and desire- even on the coldest, harshest days. And I'm not just referring to the temperatures outside either.
I am learning that living with a heart of contentment means being grateful for where I am at ANY given time, and living that particular moment the way that I was designed and created to be. In doing that, I think God is glorified and that is how I seek to live. The truly amazing thing is that living IN a moment and seeking to be all you can be AT that moment, is when I think contentment is most felt. Contentment isn't something we create or find or strive's within. Mmmmm. That's me. Savoring and enjoying the peace I feel in this moment.


Krista said...

I found your blog from another site..You need to move to Texas if you are cold natured--Can we just trade places.. I want some snow..Your post makes me think-how do we get to that stage where we are just Content???? That is what God wants from us, just to be at Peace with what he gave and ask for nothing more. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Jody: From your Bella post the other day....It is amazing how much Bella looks like Teagan. Doesn't it just take your breath away sometimes?

Anonymous said...

i am so tired of freezing-
i need heat !!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing jaymun's journey with us.
********praise God********
he is well now and finally at home!

Krista said...

I have already posted on this post; however, I just found time to sit and read many of your journals, I hope that is ok.. I am touched and moved by this site..Some of these post have tears down my face.. I want you to know you are an amazing woman..As I read through your posts about your "Absolutely Beautiful Little Angel" -I thought to myself-How in the world? Well you make it so evident All of the other Blessings in your life. what an inspiration you are to many who read your journals. As I have not lost a child, I cannot know how your life has changed, but I can say the peace and comfort of God is truly showing through your posts. I am so glad I found your site -and your little ones are precious! I have two little girls and they are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

It's just plain cold here in the Upper Mid-West!!! I'm "there" with you in that I too am thankful to be born at this time in history!! I wouldn't have made it in any other spot in time...or place. I hate being dirty and sweaty and cold~~hope that doesn't come from living in this time and place!!! My dh and I often comment on this subject~~in summer when it's hot and the "air" is on and in winter when the furnace and blanket are cranked up! I also couldn't have gone outside to "the little house" to go potty neither. Brr-r-r-r-r-r!!!! Plus the odor!! Well it goes without saying anyway.

linda t said...

Sorry for your cold weather conditions Jody.
I won't tell you that yesterday it was in the high 70's... or that it may get to 80 degrees today... or that it's gorgeous outside.
No, that would not be nice to tell you that. So I won't.