Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I can't help but be thankful, despite all the bad stuff that's happened in my life. Looking at the pictures here I am one lucky woman and have 5 beautiful reasons running circles around me everyday- giving me cause to smile. I am guilty of grumbling and being stressed out with the work they can create for me- but when I pause and just "look" at them, I can't help but jump inside. I understand that a lot of people get through this life with a lot less trouble than I have faced- but I realize that I could have more trouble than I do...and for that I am grateful. Everyday. God has blessed me with a lot of love and care- from family and friends and even strangers. I appreciate life and all that has come my way. Even the rough spots- because they stretch me and make me think and most importantly they teach me to trust in God. And without that I am nothing. So, I thank Him for ALL that He has given to me...and for what has been taken from me. And I hope He gives Teagan a big squeeze from me this Thanksgiving time. She's my Angel in waiting...and I'm getting closer to her everyday! Happy Thanksgiving, one day earlier. I plan on taking tomorrow off from blogging. Unless something really funny happens at mealtime that I must blog about. Hope you have much to be thankful for this year. There are blessings everywhere if we choose to see them- some are disguised as something else- but they are always around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jody!

Found your blog though Heidi swaps and just wanted to say I love it. Your thoughts are interesting to read and you just seem so upbeat. Hope you don't mind me posting a hello. HOpe you had a good Thanksgiving!