Thursday, December 04, 2008

You take one happy baby...

I always hate taking my babies for immunizations. You take them into the doctor's office all happy and leave with a crying, fussy baby for the rest of the day and sometimes night and following day or two as well. It doesn't seem to make much sense- except that I believe the benefits of the shots outweigh the tears and pain and suffering inflicted for a few hours/days.
Poor Crew got his shots today. He was all smiles this morning before his appointment. It almost doesn't seem right to take a happy baby to the doctor and put them through this treatment, but I know it's for his own good. Which is why I allow the nurse to poke him and even help hold him still as she does.
I've touched on this subject here before but am reminded of it again today. Immunizations to me, are a picture of what some of us go through in life- unexpected pain and suffering- seemingly for no good reason. Just as babies don't have a clue as to why they are inflicted with pain from a shot, so we sometimes have life cause us deep sorrow, pain or grief at times. From our perspective, we can only shout, cry, get angry, or grow bitter because the pain can be so intense and comes without warning. We may feel like yelling at God and asking the question "why".
But from His viewpoint our pain and {temporary} suffering likely serves a good purpose. We may never know what it is. Just as a baby can't understand that a polio vaccine keeps them free from disease and even more pain and loss, so we can't understand a lot of things that come our way- cancer, divorce, financial loss, death of a loved one, infertility, depression...all sorts of things in this life can cause heartache.
Still, I know that just as I hurt for Crew to see him get his shots, so God hurts for us as we feel life's pains and heartaches. But He holds us through the tough stuff and promises for us to "make all things new". He can turn our sorrows into joy and our mourning into dancing. It takes great faith to believe that even though we hurt and many times don't like the stuff we have to go through, that God is able to bring good out of suffering. Even if we don't see a purpose to our pain, He promises that He is preparing a place for us in which there will be no sorrow. All our tears will be wiped away.
What a comfort that is to me on some of the toughest days I have traveled and know may still lie ahead! I don't have to fear the suffering that comes because God is in control and He loves me {and you!} and is working for the good of those who love Him.
Today, listening to Christmas music in the car on the way to the dr. appointment didn't feel like a "Christmas-y thing" to be doing. I was reminded of all the hurts I have felt this time of year and of so many hurts that people I know and love are feeling in their lives right now too. Pain doesn't seem very Christmas-like. But when I paused to think about it for a moment or two longer, I couldn't help but think that pain and suffering and sorrow are the VERY reason that God sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth in the first place. Jesus came to heal our hearts and to make a way for us to be reconciled to God forevermore. God allowed His own Son to be born in a lowly place, in a cold, dusty stable, to connect with people and heal their hurts.
Christmas is the perfect time to tell God that you need Him, and that you want to trust His way all the rest of your life. No matter if your life is going well or if you have questions, doubts or pain. God is the answer and this time of year is the best time to sense His love, His grace and His peace.
I am so glad Jesus was born and that through Him we can have Hope- for all eternity!


Jen said...

What a fantastic way to put it.
Great post!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I sure enjoy reading your posts & completely identifying with them. Hugs to you & your lovely family. AND an extra dose of Christmas joy today. :)


Unknown said...

I agree with your feelings on God and putting our grief in perspective and asking for Him to be in our lives. I am shocked that immunizing your small child without giving creedance to the dangers is very surprising to me. Immunizations are dangerous given to children on the schedule that the government recommends. Unfortunately, having lost my son 12 hours after having his shots I have not found comfort that losing him serves some greater purpose. I never got to celebrate a Christmas holiday with my son, so I cannot appreciate the joy that other families get to have on this holiday. Although, I know what the holiday is truly about and am trying to focus on that. It is truly about Jesus being brought into our lives.

Anonymous said...

great post jody

Me! said...

Thanks for sharing. :) Putting it like this makes it a bit easier to understand....

And, Crew is getting so big. Wow...I can't believe how fast he's growing...

Anonymous said...

WOW! I loved this...what a wonderful example. I have often wondered how a God who loves us and is all powerful, lets painful things happen to his children. However when thinking of this example, it makes so much more sense. We give our children vaccinations to prevent a possible future serious illness or death...even though it "hurts" them at the time. God also brings things into our lives which are incredibly painful, and may not make sense - but it makes sense to Him. He is in control and He knows what is best for us.

That being said, after reading the comments...I'm so sorry for your loss Dani.
Jess in Nebaska

Anonymous said...

i think that's why God lets us forget our early childhood, it's tramatic, being born, getting shots, learning to walk (falling and getting banged up), the whole nine yards. God Is Good! ;)

Anonymous said...

oops, i think i did that wrong lol...

angie said...

this is a wonderful analogy Jody. thanks! my condolences to you Dani - i am sorry you are suffering.

6HartsforHim said...

Thank you for posting this.I needed this reminder of God's love,and will be passing this on to my brother in law,who was in a terrible accident last weekend.May God bless you and keep you this Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I am sure glad that we finally have the internet again. I missed most of Crew's pictures. He sure does look like his daddy when he was a baby. We can hardly wait to see him. Tell Ava to leave a few kisses for us to give him. She sure does seem to lavish attention on that baby. I love his happy smiles.
Tell Brock I like to new haircut.
Gotta run. Love to everyone.
Grandma Karen

Mom on a Coulee said...

Great post, I don't feel very Christmas-y right now either. Last Christmas was the same because sometimes life is hard, but last Christmas I realized that instead of laying it at the foot of the Cross I could also lay it in the manger, He came as a tiny baby but He came to save us all. So the manger is where I again will lay the pain and thank Him for taking it and loving me and saving me so someday I may go to my heavenly home and fill my arms with my earthly losses. May you be richly blessed this holiday season by His love.

Anonymous said...

Cutie!! He is getting so big and has such a bright smile!!! His cousins and I in Vegas can't wait to give him hugs and kisses. He is receiving lots of love from afar! Miss you and big hugs!!!

today is the present said...

That baby is so precious--he looks like a live doll or a "gerber" baby already!

I love your blog!


Unknown said...

Crew is getting chubby! He just gets cuter and cuter with every photo you post. :-)