Monday, July 09, 2007

Music and lyrics...{not the movie this time} =)

As you know, July is my deeply reflective month, and this year it has hit me off and on as in years past. Especially so when Wyndham struggles with things- like being sick for a few days and getting her shot each night and just the things we still do for her that a 'normal 6 year old' would be doing independently. It's those moments when life hits me hardest. NOT that I would trade having Wyndham in my life...not that I can't handle her challenges...not that they haven't been some of the very things that help 'pull me through' at times. They just are. They are reminders and at the same time, they are reason enough for me to know see that God has His hand in everything that happens in our lives- good and bad.
So when a song played on the radio the other day I got home and I just felt like I had to find the lyrics. It was one of those songs I just felt the words 'speaking to me'. I am learning that often times that is God's way of speaking to me- through music and song.
I came upon not only the lyrics to this song [By Your Side by Jamie Slocum] but some thoughts shared by the artist as well. What he was saying resonated so clearly with some of the very thoughts and questions I experienced in my own life just days and months after Teagan's death and as I struggled with trying to adapt to all of our injuries and with the emotional trauma that I was dealing with everyday. The 'trauma' part has turned from 'drama' in our lives into more of acceptance and routine. It has been and, as I am finding, sometimes still is a part of life...but it doesn't affect us deeply as it once did.
I am grateful everday that God continues to walk with Chip and me and our family...that He shows Himself to us when we have moments of hurt and doubt and that He clearly has blessed us in so many ways. Even with pain and heartache, we are finding that the good outweighs the bad; that there is a plan and a purpose for everything. I don't necessarily know what that is or where it will lead...but I know that God can be trusted. I know that He is good...all the time.
Here then, are the thoughts and lyrics from the artist of the song that spoke to me. Maybe they will speak to some of you, in some way as well. Just my thoughts on a Monday...when life is 'normal'...and to me it's the most beautiful thing.
Jamie Slocum-
I think "It was one of those days, you know?, when all the possibilities, good and bad, come rushing in on you, and you begin to feel the weight of the unknown. For a moment it was overwhelming, reflecting on the ups and downs of life, the inconsistency in my walk with God and those I love. Then, suddenly, I was overwhelmed by this one thought-that regardless of whatever I didn't know, there was one thing that remained constant and true, that no matter what happens-trials, success, failure-I know where my home is, my heart knows my home is with God."

By Your Side-
And I know there’s a plan for you
Your life has a purpose
There’s hope beyond your broken road
Jesus set a place for you
At the front of the table
with the weary and the wounded
And He’s showing the way, the truth, the life
for every day
So when you lose your way
Don’t give up, don’t give in
This is a race that you can win
Every time you get passed by
There is a reason why
God loves and believes in you
He knows the pain that you’re going through
He’s with you every step of the way
And He’s by your side
When your life comes crashing in
You’re a ship without a sail
Everything you’ve tried has failed you
Never thought you’d feel so sad
It’s a nightmare without end
It's getting harder to defend it
God will send his heavenly host to fight for you
and help you walk on through it
Don’t give up, don’t give in
This is a race that you can win
Every time you get passed by
There is a reason why
God loves and believes in you
He knows the pain that you’re going through
He’s with you every step of the way
And He’s by your side
By your side every day every night
Don’t give up, don’t give in
This is a race that you can win
Every time you get passed by
And you’ve lost your way


Erin Saeger said...

Thank you for sharing these lyrics....just beautiful, and so true.

Cris said...

I really liked that. Thank you for sharing. And I am glad to hear that Wyndham is feeling better.


Melanie said...

Just beautiful Jody. So touching.

Anonymous said...

Heard that song the other night and have been meaning to find out who sang it so THANK YOU! :) You saved me another embarassing call to the radio station asking them to look up what song they were playing at around 10:44 on Thursday night. I'm sure they just love my calls. LOL Thank you for sharing this today. :)