Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bella's little mishap...

Poor Bella. She has two speeds...full force and hit-the-wall. So, she either is a total charmer and you just got soak her up enough...otherwise she is a handful. The kids and neighbors were playing with a rubber ball in the street the other night, and Bella tripped over her own sandals and did a face-first dive into the pavement. It was dramatic for everyone. Ava and Wyndham both started crying, simply because the sight of Bella's bleeding face scared them so badly. Brock ran to get Chip, and I carried Brock into the bathroom to clean her up. She was crying the whole way, but not nearly as bad as when she caught the first glimpse of herself in the mirror.
I felt terrible for her. Chip is the one who grabbed the camera to capture the drama forever. Bella had stopped crying enough for us to start dabbing at her face...and she said we could take a picture. But once the photo was snapped, she cried harder, saying, "Bella's ugly" and "I don't like this nose anymore"! It was so sad.
She insisted on a bandaid for about 3 days, and then when it came off, there was another crying session...because it still hadn't healed completely. She is learning that scars take time...and more importantly, that she is loved no matter what she looks like! I expect we will have more summer mishaps and drama around our home this summer. It's all a part of growing up. I had no idea how much my kids bumps and bruises would be harder on me than they are on them! I'm learning to 'toughen up.' But my heart gets softer by the minute. Crazy how that happens.


gloria said...

awh, poor baby!! that statement "i don't like this nose anymore!" would have broken my heart!!
hope she's better soon...

Amy Nabors said...

oh, the poor thing! hope it is better now and that she likes her nose again! oh and i hope you are going to scrap the photo with Wyndham signing 'i love you' (forgot to add that to the last post). i would love to see what you come up with. :)

JYJiggy4JC said...

Poor kiddo! I STILL remember the summer I tripped and fell on an uneven brick near our pool and scraped up half my body, my shoulder and the majority of my face...I survived! She looked so pitiful...the only scar that remained was the scar on my shoulder...Glad Chip thought to get the is the good the bad and the "ugly" that they will remember and now you have proof! :)

Hilary said...

Poor Bella.
Sidney has a "V" shape scar on her noise from to different accidents. I tease her about having two left feet.
Some kids just know how to have fun...Sidney and it looks like Bella are some of them.