Sunday, May 13, 2007

A little scrappy fun.

So you all know that I have been selected to be part of the first ever design team for the new Scrap In Style TV website which will 'go live' at midnight on Monday. That's right. The site will be up and running and waiting for you to come on over on the 15th!
This past month I have gotten to know Jeanette Herdman, the brilliant idea-maker behind this concept, as well as her trusty bestest-friend and scrapper extraordinare herself, Kelli Darr. These two pulled together some of the most funny, creative, laid-back yet instense and passionate designers, creators, scrappers and simply just an amazing talented group of inspiring women. And somehow I got myself mixed up in all of it. It's truly an awesome place for me to find myself as I feel like I am still learning and growing so much in regards to my scrapbooking.
We all are simply excited to share our thoughts, dreams, ideas, and whatever help and encouragement we can give to others over at this cool, new site.
Since it's called "Scrap In Style" tv, everyone is referred to as 'SISters' over there...but I know we would be more than welcoming and thrilled to have guys join us as well. We'd make room for you, let me just say that. =)
All of us on the design team have blogs and are so excited to be on the verge of showing you around the site and letting you in on all of the fun we've been having. Many of us are giving away some scrap goodness in the form of RAK's on our blogs. I don't have all my goodies pulled together quite yet, but I will post a picture soon. In the meantime, if you leave me a comment telling me the one quality that you see in yourself that came straight from your mother, you will have a chace to win my goodies. I will randomly pick a winner by late, late Monday night...and I'll post the winner by Tuesday.
I would love for you to visit and 'get to know' some of the rest of the "Fashionistas" (that's what we're called on the design team at SIS tv) so I am posting their blog links here. If you leave them comments, most of them have great give-aways you could potentially win LOTS of scrap goodness! To top it off, after midnight on Monday, if you register on the SIS site and leave a post in the welcome thread, you will have a chance to win one of the collections that has yet to be seen. I will be getting one soon, and they tell me that KelliCrowe personally designed some of the elements in this one-of-a-kind scrap-product collection. It's gonna be great!
So, to recap, here are all the Fashionista's blog links:
1. Sarah Bowen
2 Courtney DeLaura
3 Claudine Hellmuth
4 Wilna Furstenberg
5 Lisa Garay
6 Bernadette Henderson
7 Gigi Kennedy
8 Adrienne Looman
9 Gretchen McElveen ame=McElveen
10 Melanie McFarlin...
11 Becky Novacek
12 Michelle Ramirez
13 Becca Sutton
14 Jo-Anne te Raa
15 Kayla Aimee Terrell
16 Andrea Wiebe
17 Ashley Wren
18 Kerry Lynn Yeary
19 Kelli Darr
20 Jeanette Herdman
Welcome to any *new* Nitty.Gritty. readers who might be stopping by from my "SISter's blogs". Don't forget to come and see what this Scrap In Style TV site is all about, and register and then be eligible to win an awesome prize...the first Collection!
I am looking forward to reading about what makes YOU most like your Mom. =) Leave me a comment...and then go check out all these links!


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laura D said...

I love my mom and am proud to say , yes I am a little bit like her, We are the caregivers.
Always want to make sure everyone else is happy and taken care of.
Thanks mom for everything
Love your blog too
laura P

staceyfike said...

i got my laugh from my mom....

Anonymous said...

I am so much like my Mom straight to the way we look!! I can be out by myself and people will ask me if I am my Mom's daughter. When I was younger, I hated it. Now that I'm older, I love to be like my Mom!!

Lori B

Anonymous said...

I think I got a lot of insight from my mother. She told me something I think every person in the world wants to hear from their parent. My mother was in hospice care for 6 "too short" months. I live in Norther MI and she was in KY. I would drive 10 hours every 2 weeks (with a 2 yr old) and spend a week with her, turn around and do it all again. It was the most meaningful time in my life thus far. On one of my last trips, I was helping her get cleaned up and then she got ready for bed and asked me to pray with her. (I became a CHRISTian after I married and when I was young we never went to church.) After I prayed with her she started crying and said to me, "You are the best daughter I could have ever hoped for and I love you with all my heart." I feel so fortunate to have heard that from my mother. So, in all that, I think my mom taught me something very important. I strive to show my 2 girls everyday how much I love them and tell them so very often. She showed me how special it makes a child feel to hear those words from their parent. She has shown me the kind of mom I want to be.

Happy Mother's Day!
Deb Berger
Gaylord, MI

CrazyOnU said...

I got my ability to deal with emergencies from my Mom.

Anonymous said...

my off sense of humor is straight from my mom. She has many qualities I would love to have that I can't manage to possess and I admire how despite some really rough yucky stuff in life she has been a survivor.

Amy Nabors said... perfectionism. Definitely came straight from my mother. Sometimes it is my best trait and sometimes it's the worst. But I definitely got it from her. :)

Anonymous said...

As I get older I know that I have gotten my love of crafting from my mom. Never understood it when I was younger, totally do now and totally love it. Thanks Mom! From Jeane Wynn

Anonymous said...

I definitely got my mother's sense of humor!

cara harjes said...

i bite my finger nails just the way my mom does.

melita said...

so cool that you are doing this Jody! Hope I have time to visit everyone's blogs and get on the SIS site before I have to be go out of town! And according to all my aunts and uncles, I look exactly like my mom. Funny thing is I have an identical twin sister and they never say that to her, just to me! Hope you had a great Mother's Day

Anonymous said...

I got my love for cooking and shopping from my mom. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day. Love your blog and the great pictures of your family.

Fran Heupel

Anonymous said...

I know I am so much like my mom. Maybe this isn't a quality, but every night when I tuck in my kids, I say "sleep tight, sweet dreams, see you in the morning." It's what she said to me ever single night until I went away to college. And even now when I got home and visit her, she says it. I love it, and I love my mama!

Anonymous said...

These RAKs sound awesome! So does the Scrap In Style TV - can't wait!!

Barbie said...

My mom has made me want to be an awesome mother to my newborn son & never to give up even in the hardest of times =) man i love that woman i want to be just like her =) YAY for moms

Queue_t said...

Hey my mom is a fasionista- I got my sense of style right from her.

cool that you are giving away a fun prize. Tamara

Jen Harrison said...

My mom is great, but I see a quality from her that sometimes I wish I didn't have, but most of the time it is great-I am a clean/germ freak, lol. Thanks mom.

I also take her caring and giving side too. :)

Anonymous said...

Organizing--- My mom always said that if she ever put her hand inside her closet she would be able to pick out exactly what she wanted in less than a minute with her eyes blindfolded. I used to test her as a teen and she always passed with flying colours. Now I am proud to say that I am exactly the same. Priya

Dawn said...

Congrats on your SIS gig!
Best wishes, Dawn in Kelowna BC
(Friend of Andrea Wiebe, your fellow design team member!)

Dawn said...

Forgot my mom comment...

Definately my sense of humor... sometimes the two of us think something is hilarious and no one around us is laughing... we just think we're more clever :-)

dawn in Kelowna!

TRACEY said...

The one Quality I got from my mom is her own little language she uses instead of saying a curse wordand boy do my friends make fun of me for it. EX: oh fiddle faddle,
my spin on it has been oh shania dont ask me where or why I came up with that I just wanted to add my touch to my moms

Anonymous said...

I am a lot like my mom in so many ways. One of the things I "got" from her besides looks was her hands. She has these amazing hands that are beautiful, yet weathered. She has a total servants heart and literally works her fingers to the bone for everyone around her. Now that I am a mother I look at my once young and manicured hands, and smile at the dry, rough, jagged nails. They don't make a hand cream stong enough to restore the damage that I inflict on a daily basis. (Too bad.) It reminds me that I am following in her footsteps, learning to be the servant of all. I am so thankful for that! I love that lady!
Heidi Stork

Kelly said...

My love for my children is what makes me most like my precious mum! ;o)

Jacqui Bourne said...

My voice sounds like my mom's. People often get confused when we answer the phone.

Anonymous said...

I think the one trait I received from my mom is her positive outlook on life. She likes to have fun.

corinne5 said...

I think me caring for others is something that I have from here. She is always there when ever someone is in need and I must say i am the same with that.


Anonymous said...

I am so much like my mom in that I challenge myself to "learn something new every day" I am a back-to-college student and a future teacher, and my mom's urging for me to keep my heart and mind (as well as ears and eyes) open for new things has fared well for me, I try to learn about people and things, cultures and anything else that I can. I believe that is truly a Blessing that she has given to me, the thought that in life you never stop learning and growing...I love her so much!!! I scrapped part of her gift for today too, I am learning so many new techniques, and I love it!!! I hope you had a great mother's day too!!!
Jackie from Chicago :)

AnnaB said...

We're both nervous and easily depressed... ;-)

Looking forward to the launch of SIS!

Anonymous said...

I sing a little melody as I'm yawning, and my mom does that ALL the time. :) I like sharing that trait with her.

Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

Yes, I have my disease from my mom... And I'm NOT sad at all... It's something who makes you stronger every day...

And Ofcourse I have the strength from my mom... To deal with it ;)


Anonymous said...

Me and my mom look the same, we do the same things and we act the same. My boyfriend always tells me, stop acting like your mom, LOL.

Fauve Design said...

I love the connection between me and my mom,she is my best friend!!I LOVE it that i can tell her anything,that's really special to me.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Jody~
I believe that I got my gift of giving from my mom. She taught me that it is much better to give than to receive.
Can't wait for the SIS site to begin!
~God bless

Anso said...

Good luck with your new Scrap In Style Design Team!! :)

Can't wait to see it!! :)

I'm very similar to my mum and I have her (good or bad I don't know) way of not being able to "let" myself sit down and relax until everything has been done LOL!

Take care :)


PROLIX said...

Help/Aidons Madeleine Mc Cann :

{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}
ze artsy english-français blog

Anonymous said...

I look and sound morelike my motehr every day! It's scary!!

Congrats on your new venture!!! Sounds exciting. I love a RAK

Brigitta said...

what I've definately got from my mum is knowing how to survive. We've both had a lot of hard times but survived it all without loosing our optimism

D@nielle said...

My first comment after lurking for quite a while ...... I hopped over from Jo-anne.

My mom and me both go all out for the ones we love (friends and family), they are the most important ones in our lives !

Anonymous said...

I am very easily amused just like my mom :)

mary h. said...

Happy late Mother's Day to you.:)

I suppose I got somewhat of a green thumb from my mom, but also my love of Patsy Cline.

Anonymous said...

I've found, especially as I get older, that my mother and I are exactly the same in how we care for our families. And I'm honored to be like her. Best of luck with SIS!
Susan B.

Anonymous said...

I think I have determination of steel, just like my mom.

Sophia said...

I inheritted my mom's ability to be patieint with my kids.

Anonymous said...

I have my looks from my i glad with that?! ;-)

Will check SIS tomorow, so excited!

Anonymous said...

Love the comment challenge! I get a lot of things from my mom, but the one greatest trait, I think, is my strength. My mom has been through a lot, and she's always been an example to me to hold my head up and keep moving forward. Before my dad passed away, he told me he wasn't worried about me, because I was the strong one and just like my mother. So, even though I didn't know I had that trait, my dad saw it. Now, when I think about it, I realize he was right.

Ilka said...

I got the turn white haired really young gene from my Mom- Hah at least my sister inherited it too ;p

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my passion for helping others . . .straight from my moms heart to mine.

denise sanner

Anonymous said...

as i have grown older i have become more and more like my mother - my hoyse is always full of people like hers was, i am always entertaining and i have strated crafting like she does!

Anonymous said...

My mother was so creative, sewing, crafts, stamping, and busy, busy, busy.I think the desire to CREATE came from Mother. Carol

Lisa said...

There are so many things that I share with my mom - we're too nice sometimes, we're always doing more for others than we should (going overboard) but mainly I learned how to be a good hostess - to my family, my friends, anyone we entertain. My mom always went all out for birthday parties, family gatherings, etc. There was always plenty of fun foods she had made, fun treats too. I LOVE doing those things but don't have enough people to do it for here. So I'm so thankful to be moving back home soon and can't wait to plan the next family gathering with my mom. We have a cousin having a baby in December - so I can't wait for the baby shower - it'll be so much fun to work side by side with mom and entertain the way we love to do it!!! It's always more for with the two of us! Thanks Jody for making me think of this - makes me want to scrap it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jody - I'm over from the Scrap Etc site! Anyway, I love your blog - I'd have to say that I get my 'mothering' quality from my mom. Not just mothering for children, but caring for others as well.
Amy S.

Carrie said...

Our glasses are always half full if not more. Optimism and positivity come from my momma. Gotta love that!

Melissa said...

Survivorship.. if that's a word. :)My mom was always on the go, never letting her illness put much of a dent in her step, literally and figuratively (she had MS). She taught me how to survive through the darkest days, how to keep on moving when all you really want to do is curl up in bed with the covers over your head!

Anonymous said...

I am so appreciative of my mom. The characteristic I got straight from my mom would be to stand up for what you believe in. She has alot of other great qualities but this has taught me alot in life and I love her so much!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... how am I NOT like my mom? We both like to sleep late, read magazines, shop, cook big feasts for the family... and we both have crazy tempers. We'll have a huge screaming match and then make up five minutes later. My dad and my husband just shake their heads... :) Thanks for doing this... I'm excited for SIS!

Anonymous said...

Love of reading. Both my Mom and I became serious bookworms at a very young age. We still love to read, and I'm passing that trait to my own daughter.

Anonymous said...

I definitely inherited my mothers hips and booty! LOL

Misty said...

My mom and I are SO much alike! That's a good thing too. We look alike, gain weight in the same places, we both like to cook, we have a lot of the same likes & dislikes. However, I got the creativeness from somewhere else - she doesn't scrap :-( wish she did!

Emily said...

I say "I suppose so" in a patient-ish voice to my kids when they ask me if they can do or have something that I'm not really excited about them doing or having.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't like to admit it, but we are both bull-headed and stubborn. Not to irritate people, but to fight for what we feel is right. She loves to tell me she is a docile kitten, but I know better - she roars just as loud as I do. :)

Angie K, MN

Kris with a K said...

Like my mom, I am a Stay-at-home mom. I never really wanted to be anything else. I was ranked highly in my HS class, and graduated college with a great gpa, but I loved that my mom was home when I needed her...whether that was during school and I forgot something, or after school when I needed to decompress the day. So while I worked FT after I was married, staying home with my kids was a goal. I realized that goal when #1 was 2 1/2 and #2 was 6 months old: we moved to Texas and decided to start over financially, depending only on DH's income. It worked! I've been home for 13 years now, and I couldn't be happier!

Anonymous said...

I got my great organization skills from my mom and how to be so caring to others!!

Amber Ulmer said...

girl.. love SIStv and JJ and KelliDarr... my girls right there!!
My mom is an alcoholic and had a pretty rough childhood. I do know that I got her "obsessiveness" that comes w/alcoholism.. hence... my strong obsession for scrapbooking!! haha. I've made it come to good!

Unknown said...

My Mom has taught me what strength a woman can have. She had five bouts with breast cancer and won every single one. She is now considered a complete cure. I strive to be the strong, Christian woman she is.

Anonymous said...

Proud to say I laugh like my mom, love my children unconditionally.
Pass down to my children the love of Christ like she did.

jess said...

I get told by almost everyone that i look and act like my mum, its a great honour!
Xx JEss

Siany said...

I look nothing like my mum but I definitely have the same sense of (dorky) humour!!
xx Siany

linda t said...

My Mom has recycled for as long as I can remember and that is a quality I am proud to say I have taken from her. She is frugal and shops for deals, and I too, love the thrill of the hunt.

Anonymous said...

So many things, but things I "use" everyday are the crafty-ness she passed on to me and her love of reading. Looking forward to seeing the website soon!

Anonymous said...

How to cook really great food!!

Holly W

Anonymous said...

I got a lot of things from my mom! She is the best, if I "grow" up to be like her I would be so lucky. I got her organization skills! We LOVE to organize things all the time. It is a sickness sometimes because we are so obsessed.
I love your blog Jodi! You are amazing and inspire me everyday! Thank you!
Natalie Allen

Anonymous said...

my organizational skills are just like my mom's!
I make lists before every event in my life....just like her.

Unknown said...

"i TOLD YOU", that's the sentence my mom use to tell me all the time when i was growing up, and now it's my turn with my daughter...
Love my mom anyway

Anonymous said...

My Mom loves me unconditionally and always has, faults, flaws, idiosyncracies, and all. She and my Dad have always been fair and equal with both my sister and me, and never made us feel that one was loved or favored more than the other. It is so easy to love my two kids unconditionally, and I don't know if that comes naturally, is a gift passed down from my parents, or a combination of both. Is is the greatest gift. Thanks guys!
And big congrats Jody! Can't wait for the reveal!

Anonymous said...

I got my creativity from my mom.She sewed and made crafts all the time when I was young, and I alweays wanted to create things like her.

mindakms said...

Wow, so many things came straight from dear old mom. My love of photography, art, classical music, scrapbooking and my love of adventure. All my mom. And that is just off the top of my head. Proud to be her daughter, that is for sure!

Tanya said...

I love the way my mom loved.

I use to hate how she'd give the last piece of pie to my dad, or buy ME a new piece of clothing instead of her. But now I'm a mom. I give away the last piece of pie and I always buy my son or husband clothes before I buy me something.

I lost her to Cancer when I was 19, so she never got the chance to see me "mother". I'm sure she'd find it amusing that I picked up her habits.

Nan said...

I like this!! Very nice reading all the comments!! Well, I definately get my sense of humor from my mother.......and her "ugly" feet!! I always wanted cute little petite feet like my sisters, but got the ones that my Mama has!!! Oh well, at least I can laugh about it!!!! Thanks for doing this!! Nan

Anonymous said...

love your RAK question! I laugh like my mother, which other people probably do to, but we are both LOUD! and if are both in an elevator and something funny happens, it hurts even our own ears to hear us both that loudly in such a small space!

Sonja said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What I got from my mom - my independence. I'm not afraid to do whatever it takes to reach my goals. Also, not as good - some negative self talk - my daughters call it sarcasm and I hear the same back from them, so some things that aren't physical pass down too... wish I had gotten a grip on this while they were still little, though...

Theresa Merkling
VA Beach, VA

mariek said...

All moms are special; but my mom is special because she is just that; My Mom!
She has been by my side during my highs and lows and has never doubted that I could do anything I wanted to achieve in life. This was such a nice feeling I'm try to do the same now with the people around me I love.

Kellie said...

Hi there!
Quality I got from my mom? Hmm I got her curly hair, similiar voice and probably her stubborness she has at times, hee! She makes me want to be a better person! ;)


Vanessa said...

I got the awesome saying "when you were knee-high to a grasshopper..." from my mama... Never thought I'd say it, but every once in a while, it pops out and I laugh! Have a blessed day!

Unknown said...

Oh boy! One quality that I got from my mother is worrying. We are both such worry-warts!!

Creating Memories said...

The older I get, the more I realize I am like my mother.
I received my crafty resourcefulness from my mother.


Allison said...

i defintaly get my temper from my mom. that sounds to bad, but really, it's not. because she is so passionate about certain things and get so angry when things just aren't right- especially anything that has to do with kids. which is why we are both teachers- i guess i got more than one thing from her.

Kimber-Leigh said...

so excited about tomorrow! my mom is a peacemaker...and i get that from her. i don't like conflict among friends/family :)

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, I got her shape! LOL! But the most important thing I got from my Mom is the ability to care for others unselfishly and put others needs above my own. She is 63 years old and raising her great grandchild out of the goodness of her heart. My hat goes off to all mothers but especially my own who is my role model EVERY day!

Anonymous said...

From my Mom I got...
my love of reading,
my stubborn streak,
my creativity--she quilts

Jamie said...

I got my patience from my mom.

Anonymous said...

A quality from my mum...wanting to look after everybody else!

Anonymous said...

My love of cooking is from my mom,also my hands are identical.Jody,I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had inherited my mother's strength. But I think I got some of her temper!!!

Jamie said...

I got my independence from my mom. Which is both good and bad.

Anonymous said...

I am stubborn just like my mom!

Anonymous said...

My mom is no longer with us, but I "talk" to her all the time because I miss her so much. The first quality that sprang to mind is "sense of humor". Her sense of humor carried us both through some rough times and I'm proud to say I've got the same quirky gift. So here's to MOM!!

Linda said...

I am proud to say that I look and act more and more like my mom every year, right down to the not-so-pretty varicose veins in my legs.
Linda Schmitmeyer

jewell said...

I think I got PERSERVERANCE from my wonderful mom.


Anonymous said...

My mum is the most unselfish person I know - she always puts everyone else before herself. I am quite a lot like her in that respect - always make sure people are taken care of before I do anything for myself. I love that about her but I also wish she would think of herself first sometimes.

Kelli said...

I'm pretty reserved when it comes to showing my emotions, just like mom.

Christal said...

dnsPosted you a comment.. Blogger keeps eating them, HA HA! Anway I get my moms color sense, and love of art, when I am in the mood I do great, just need more confidence~ Havent seen you with this many comments in awhile. Looking forward to your launch tommorow!

Tineke said...

You must be so excited. Have a great time as a design team member and good luck to you

Anonymous said...

I've got the same enthousiasm as my mom... and we are both creative... I am not sure what I would feel, if I did not have that!!

Anonymous said...

I can't drive well. At least I blame that on my Mom : )

Anonymous said...

i`ve got the voice from my mother , my sister to , i look more at my father .

great RAK .

lots of love Roos
from holland

Rebekah said...

what an awesome design team! the talent is amazing! can't wait to see everyone's work on the new site! :)

Anonymous said...

I got my ability and love of cooking from my mom!

ikkinlala said...

My voice is very much like my mom's, and my sense of humour is similar.

Lea L. said...

Can't wait to check out what you have been up to Jody!

Let's see, just one trait from my mom? I have many, but the biggest is the perfectionist side. We both would rather do things ourselves so it just gets done right. That may not be the most endearing trait, but it is very prevalent in both of us.

Robin said...

I am blunt. Period. End of story. So is my Mom.

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

I really love your apron. I have to say I got most of my artistic inclinations from my mother -who got them from her father!

Anonymous said...

let's trait from my Mom? I would have to stubborness!
Jen from BC Canada

Anonymous said...

I think I got my compassion from my mom. She is very tender hearted and when I was younger as well as now that I'm grown, I am very empathetic toward others! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a good listener which I inherited from my Mom - Thanks Mom!

scrapnic72 said...

Dear Jodi:

Wow, this looks like it will be great for Nitty-Gritty! It was so fun to see your layout in CK this month....great work.

I attained my sense of self as a nurturer from my mom.

Best wishes in this new exciting endeavor!


Karen b said...

I got my strong will and ability to deal with emergencies from my mom. I also look a lot like her. You know, it is said that we become our mothers. I hope so. She was a wonderful role model. I miss her.

nicole said...

I got the crafting bug from my mom :)

Anonymous said...

i am my mother's daughter! she and i have the same drive for perfection (ugh!)

Anonymous said...

umm. that was me saying me & my mom have the same drive for perfection

Ania said...

Uh actually, I don't think I share much with my mom if at all. I love her dearly and she's sweet and all that, but whenever we're around and it's passed more than two days she sure gets on my nerves. (just got home from driving mom to the airport..she stayed with me for four days and it's...just two too many days :p) I know, I'm such a bad person....and she just wants me the best, want me and my kids to be well, want to help and so on..just.....gaah shes my mom :p

Anonymous said...

Hiya Jody~
I just got my new Creating Keepsakes Mag in the mail today and low and behold there was your "Color My World" layout. I never really pay attention to the people's names who do the layouts but I knew Bella when I saw her! How funny! Love the layout, it's darling! =) Ha, it's like I know a celebrity or something! Cant wait for SIS TV to start! I have visited all of your "SISters" blogs too (that took awhile!). Good luck with it!
~God bless~
~Tammy Up North~

Anonymous said...

I got the love for teaching children from my mom. I spent many summer days in high school/college working with her in her classroom. We had fun with the children then went to lunch and talked about the day. If I ever have a question about my children, she is the first I call! I must admit that she is much better than I am but she has had more experience!

Tricia Mc

Alison said...

I got my anxiety from my momma and looks. :)

.:liza:. said...

my hips. ugh.

Heather said...

I gave my mom a card that said something like "the biggest compliment I could receive would be that I was like my mom." She gave me a great laugh, smile, and loving attitude. :)

Cristy_lee said...

I got my stubborness from my mother. I don't back down and that came straight from her!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jody! I can't wait to check out the blogs and the SIS website...looks cool!

I lost my Mom to breast cancer in January. I like to think that my positive outlook and sense of humor is just like hers. She was a great Mom :) Happy late Mothers Day!

Susan E in VA

MaraMay said...

Cleaning habits and cooking. Although I'm not as good as she is I did get it from her. :)

Anonymous said...

I learned to be a strong independant woman from my mom.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I forgot to add my name to my post! Strong & independant is me, RachelG.

Anonymous said...

I inherited my bargain-hunting instinct from my mom. We both brake for garage sales, and neither of us can stand to pay full price for anything. I'm thankful that she taught me the value of a dollar, and how to stretch that dollar as much as possible =)

J Lizzie said...

i sang a song in my high school chorus called i'm turning into my mother...and i'm afraid it's true! the one thing that is the most obvious is our profession...we're both educators!

can't wait for the 15th!

Sam said...

I talk like my mom.

Anonymous said...

I'm not like my mom at all, my sisters are. I am a look a like from my father, the inner look i am talking about!! ( hihi)

Anonymous said...

Family is first with me - I get that from my mom. She is the one who takes care of everything and everyone. I love my Mom!

Anonymous said...

I have never been so happy to celebrate Mother's Day this year with my mom! She is the most wonderful and giving woman, mom, grandma, aunt, sister and friend that I know. I didn't appreciate her while growing up, as a matter of fact I didn't want to be like her at all. But now that I am a mom, I find that like her I in so many ways. (Now if you would have told me that while I was growing up I would have said never!! haha) We too are both caregivers and love doing for others.

Happy Belated Mother's Day to you today.

Sara Berry said...

The 'doomsday gene' meaning you always plan for the worst but expect the best!

Anonymous said...

I got my patience from my mom!

Anonymous said...

Ehm well I guess I got my eyes from my mom.

Regina said...

As much as I resisted helping Mom in the garden when I was young, the "green thumb" stuck and now I am passing that along to my son. It is my escape and my special place.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my mom and I are alike in several ways - we both enjoy time to be crafty :) we are also optimists - always looking at the positive side -

Cheryl said...

I got my love of information from my mom!

Kristi said...

our easygoning-ness, and I have her great looks!!

Lslouka said...

From my mother, I inherited the need to RESEARCH. I must research everything before undertaking prices for new carpet, referrals for doctors, etc. etc. etc.

ajadarak said...

stubborness and creativity

Erin Saeger said...

The sense of importance in raising great kids by spending lots of great time with each one of them. That's what came from my mom. Cool.

Anonymous said...

I am usually pretty laid back, but once in a while my Mom's 'fiestiness' comes out and I always laugh (along with my husband) as he calls me "Jan." (That's my Mom - Love her!)
Happy Mother's Day a day late...
Sheri A

Unknown said...

I am like my mom in more ways that I realize...we have the same hands and chin, along with the same hair color. I have her wonderful baking and cooking skills, and we both have a love for our profession, nursing. She's an angel on earth, who would give to anyone who needed her help.
Congrats on the LO in the June CK! Loved it!

Anonymous said...

oh I definitely got her gift of gab! i don't think i talk as much as her, but i do my fare share!

Looking forward to the big day! Good Luck!!

Katja said...

I think I have my mums quality of being easy to get along with and family values.....and she also inspired my creativity from a very young age so always greatful for that.
Loving your stuff by the way.

katja x

Anonymous said...

My mom taught me how to be me and not to settle for anything less.

Anonymous said...

I like to cook, and I know I got it from my mom.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jode,

I haven't read your blog in a while, Now what have you gotten yourself into?
It's a t.v. website? I'm getting slow......
Whoops our tornado sirens are going off I better get into the basement.
Your St. Cloud friend -- Cynthia Schreder

Anonymous said...

How fun is this!

margie r

madretz said...

So fun!
I have my mom's fingers.

Candy said...

My mom and I look so much alike. Except she has blue eyes, while I have brown. And she's started dying her hair a very light brown and mine is dark brown. :)

Anonymous said...

i got empathy from my mom. both a huge blessing and curse. love ya girl! thanks for being a friend to me. congrats on SIS. now, pick me. (LOL) kim

Kristen U. said...

I absolutely love being with my kids, just like my mom always has!

Anonymous said...

I have my mom's temper, LOL

AJ said...

I got my mom's genes... I am built like my mom and am starting to look like her, I think.

Veronica said...

My one quality....I got my mom's hard work ethics. OH and her beautiful skin too.

Anonymous said...

I do love my mom so much and missed her a lot. She lives in a different state.

Anyway, the one quality that I see in myself that I'm sure came straight from my mother would be generousity of spirit. She is so generous to others it is amazing to see and I have that same yearning in my heart when I come across others.


Anonymous said...

I always think I'm right, like my mom.
Can't wait for the site to go live!

Rachel said...

I am so much like my mom in keeping the house completely clutter free..I drive my husband nuts with saying "does that belong there" and every time I hear myself say it I think of my mom!!

FlipFlop Mom said...

this has absolutely got to be the hardest question for me.. you see.. I don't have a relationship with my mother... she chooses not to... There are days where I feel cheated by God.. and VERY envious of women who walk in stores with their moms because the moms WANT to be with their daughters or children....

So I guess in truth the greatest quality I got from my mother.. was to know how to dive into motherhood with an open heart and mind and truly LOVE and Cherish my children.. because after all.. they are true gifts from God.. and that's the way they need to be treated!!

Anonymous said...

My father raised most of who I am is due to him...however, my mother is a serious hypochondriac (sp?) and I think I have a touch of that in me as well!

Sara (Tinkles on 2Ps)

Christine said...

Okay mentally we are exact opposites, but physically we have very similar facial features and sadly I have also inherited her ,....umm... "endowment". lol

Danielsmommy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kia Gregory said...

The one thing I know I got from my mom is the ability to make lemons from lemonade. We were broke growing up and my Mom was a single mom. We had spaghetti, spaghetti sandwhiches, and meatloaf with spaghetti to help stretch it out. We laugh about it now, but mom was surviving back then. I have a little bit of that in me. ANd i am proud.

Anonymous said...

I use the phrase I hated the most when I was a child, "Because I said so!" I swore I'd never use those words in my adult life. I wasn't three weeks into my job as a brand new teacher when I heard "THE WORDS" pop right out of my mouth! I must admit, I did have to find a place just to sit and laugh a bit!

Anna M said...

I am most like my mom because I am a drama queen! LOL!

kelly said...

i got strength from my mom... she taughtme matter what.. never give up on myself soo thankful for that...

april said...

You have the most so far!

Anonymous said...

I lost my Mother to cancer just after midnight on 1/1/05. - Three days before her b-day.
I think the one thing that my Mother gave me that I enjoy the most is my love of all kinds of crafts. We used to do craft shows together and those were the best times and I miss them so....
I would like to think that I inherited some of her talent....
Maybe yes - Maybe no. But in the end as long as I enjoy my crafts, it's all good.
Maria Y.

... said...

We are both Taurus and we are both stubborn

~ alli ~ said...

I got an understanding of female independence from my mom.

thanks for the fun RAK!

Anonymous said...

I got persistance. She waited 20 years, had 3 surgeries, lost 2 babies before she got me. She never gave up. Missy

Kim said...

I got all my cleaning and organizing techniques from my mom

Anonymous said...

Can't *wait* to see SISTV! Sounds like much much fun... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oops - and the thing that makes me most like my Mom... hmmm... that I can be a little "Scotch" as she liked to say (frugal, in other words) but this doesn't seem to apply when scrapbooking supplies are involved!
terry in ks

Jennifer said...

My neurotic tendencies came from my mother ... ;)

Anonymous said...

my love for decorating and color, always need color in your life.

Anonymous said...

I have certain facial expressions that are just like my mom.

metrochic said...

The most obvious quality I got from my mom is most certainly my OCD. A place for everything and everything in its place! Heh. We look a ton alike, too. Best of luck tomorrow, see you there!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my mom is my very best friend and there are so many ways that I am like her, but I suppose the biggest one right now is that we are both scrapping fanatics...we travel together once a year to some sort of convention - this year it is the Creative Escape - and we have a amazing time together.

Congrats on the SIS stuff...I am so excited to check it all out!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud to say that I take after my mother in so many ways... our laugh, our moodiness, our giving hearts, our looks... I could go on and on but I'll spare you. :)

Michelle said...

Hmmm.. I think my stubborness comes from my mom! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I look a lot like my mom but our personalities are actually quite different. None the less I love my mom and thank God I have her.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my ability to think deeply about things, maybe to deep!

Anonymous said...

i am a strong independant woman... just like my mom.
rebekah c

Anonymous said...

I have to say Im giddy with GLEE
the new SIS site I cannot wait to see
I have admired so many of you wonderful gals
its so great you're all together and becoming such pals.
Looking forward to watching SIS grow and bloom
and seeing SIS successful in a scraptastic BOOM

Anonymous said...

I got my temper from my that good?:)
I've got her temper and her fierce-ness...of all things to inherit!:)


Claire said...

Hi Jody!

Wow - its a comment feast for you today!

My trait most like my mother is my 'practical' skills. She and I are far more likely to be found wielding a hammer or 'fixing stuff' than my dad ever would be!

Good luck with your new adventure into Scrap In Style.


Tina said...

I definatley got compassion from my mother. Hopefully I also inherited her young looks as well ;) Guess we'll know in 20 years, haha!

Tina Albertson

Unknown said...

From my mom, I definitely got all my mothering instincts, and the non-cooking gene!!

Kath W said...

My Mom gave me her impatience and creativity.

Amy W. said...

i'm not so thrilled about being stubborn like my mother. that is about the only thing we have in common. lol it's enough. ;> love reading your blog, Jody!

sheetal patel said...

i got my creative side from my mom (and also some horrible migraines :))

Anonymous said...

My mom loved beautiful shoes and so do I. I'll however never come close to being as patient as she was, but I try really hard every day. If my future grandkids will love me as much as my kids love her I'll be a happy woman.
Svala, Iceland

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