It has been a very long 5 weeks of packing and driving and unpacking and saying goodbyes and hellos and throwing in some celebrations for Christmas all at the same time. The good news is that I think the worst is over. The bad news is there is still a 3-car garage filled with boxes for us to sort and go through as we make this new place our home for now. The kids are all doing very well. They are excited to be in a new neighborhood; they love their new rooms and the layout of this house; and we are within an hour driving distance to my parents and many of our cousins too. So although it has been an intense (to say the least!!) month to get to this point, we are thankful that God has opened the door for us to be where we are and we are anxious to have this feel like home.
We will miss so many friends back in Michigan and are thankful for internet and ways to stay in touch so that it doesn't feel like there are that many miles between us all. We have lots to do- including getting the kids enrolled in school, setting Wyndham up with doctors and therapists, and even re-taking the MN road test in order to get proper licenses for this state. It seems like a never-ending list of things to do, but we are happy that so far we have stayed healthy and even had some moments of fun in between the major moments of stress during this major move. I look forward to being back to blogging and I hope the posts are not so few and far between.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. From me and my Nitty.Gritty. family, we wish you the very best in the coming New Year too!