Here are pictures of me and most of my clan...I'll update a few more after we've gotten our fill of treats. =)
Have a Happy and safe Halloween. Or as Teagan used to say so happily, "HAPPY HALLOWEENIE!" =)
Here is a larger version (uploaded out of order...sorry) of the layout that I chose and was posted on CK's website when they featured me as one of the top 10 SOY Finalists. I couldn't help myself. I've got this Maple Syrup body scrub that smells so yummy when I smother it on myself, that it got me thinking how good it must be to be a piece of French Toast.
I know. It's not a normal thought, but as one who was thinking as a new scrapper, it just seemed fitting. It was my way of poking fun at this hobby that was taking over my life- my thoughts, my free time late into the evenings, and even the smells that inspired me while I was in the shower. I just had fun with the colors and making a piece of paper French Toast. On this layout, I included a little holder for recipes of my favorite, 'Baked Caramel French Toast'. Here's a true story...
I was over at Two Peas Message Board yesterday, and someone had posted a thread asking for recipes for baked French Toast. What do you think I found as I scrolled down that thread? Yep. Someone who met me at Memory Trends, had gotten a copy of my recipe (I was giving them out along with my cards and/or golf tees), and had linked my blogpost from January, I think, in which I had posted my recipe here at Nitty.Gritty. I found that funny. So, just wanted everyone to know that I don't only scrap my kids or the serious stuff of life. It's all about having fun, making it meaningful, and memorable. And now passing on a very good recipe to scrappers on their message boards!
I have basically been filled up with creative ideas, new products and lots of inspiration through color and design because of my trip out to Vegas. I have to get better with using links within my blog, but for now I'll just give you what I've got for today.
Pictured here from top to bottom is me glowing from being surrounded by luxury ribbon...some of it was imported from France. So beautiful- it made me want to go into the ribbon business. Next you see me holding an adorable carrying case, and inside is my brand new hp portable printer! I received this from some really nice hp representatives as a congratulations gift for being in the SOY top 10. I pulled it out and plugged it in and printed a couple of pictures right from my memory stick last night. Not only is this little printer portable and compact, but it prints high-end pictures in a flash! I'm so happy to have this item...and enjoyed sharing dinner with the ladies from hp...hope you all enjoyed it too!
In the last photo you see some products from the new SEI 'so girly' line that will be hitting the stores soon. I used some of their papers and their new Rhinestone & Pearl brads to rescrap a page layout, and it turned out cute. I just love the colors and all the papers are double-sided, so I could go crazy with the patterned paper combinations I can play with. SO fun, and so cool that the SEI people gave me their product to design pages...I hope to share more products and links. Here's one I found for SEI- it's a link to some of their products you can purchase online...and I'm still trying to locate a direct weblink. Now I'm off to make dinner and scrap another page.
ABOUT THIS BLOG- You have stumbled upon a link to the daily musings of my crazy life. I say crazy because things happen to me that probably don't happen to you that often- or even ever. I will write candidly about these events in hopes to learn from them, teach you about them, or just to document that they actually happened. It could be anything...but I promise to keep it real!