Friday, June 04, 2010

Busy baby...

Seems someone is just as busy and active inside of me as the rest of the kids are outside of me today! We officially started summer earlier today at our final school assembly. We have quite a few plans on the calendar from now til September, including having a baby at some point in the coming weeks. My due date is 11 weeks from tomorrow, but since I've only made it to my due date once in the previous 6 pregnancies, I am planning ahead for this next one too. Teagan was born on her due date and the others have come at least a week to more than a month early. So, I feel like it's only fair to me, the baby and the rest of us to start getting on top of things sooner- rather than later.
It seems like the weeks are going by all too quickly this time around. It's the nature of things when you have so many other kids keeping your mind and body off the {growing} task at hand. I rarely have time to stop and think about what to expect- which is maybe why the baby keeps kicking and moving so often- to simply remind me that life is going to change for all of us again- soon!
I sure hope we have a fun summer and that this belly doesn't grow too big for me to enjoy a little bit of the fun too! If so, I will blame it on the heat and extra ice cream I eat to stay cool. {wink}


  1. Soooo loving the belly!!!! Can’t wait to see the newest addition!!! :)

  2. You look gorgeous! Love the baby bump pics! Have a great weekend! :-)

  3. Awesome... Can't wait to see pictures with new baby!

    Got themed baby room set up yet?

  4. You look great! Enjoy the summer...and extra ice cream. :)

  5. You look wonderful! Enjoy your summer and some carrot cake ice cream.

    My daughter is due in two weeks. A baby girl and we can't wait.

  6. You look incredible!!! And ice cream can NEVER hurt - need calcium, right?!?? :-)

  7. Cute photo, My husband just read your baby name list. His first vote was for Wilson. His second one was: "call it Quits"! And he said blessed is the man whose quiver is full.
